"Maltsev Alexander,Bolotin Ilya,Lomayev Artyom,Pudeyev Andrey,Ingolf Karls,Shozo Okasaka,Ilario Filippini,Kei Sakaguchi,Gia Khanh Tran,Hidekazu Shimodaira,Roya Rezagah","D4.1 ~ System Level Simulator Specification ~",,"MiWEBA Deliverables","MiWEBA",,,,2014,Dec. "Roya Rezagah,Gia Khanh Tran,Kei Sakaguchi,Kiyomichi Araki,Satoshi Konishi","Large Scale Cooperation in Cellular Networks with Non-uniform User Distribution",,"IEICE Trans. Commun.","IEICE","Vol. E97-B","No. 11",,2014,Nov. "Roya Rezagah","Efficient architecture of cellular networks for dynamic cell structuring with large-scale base station cooperation",,,,,,,2014,Sept. "Roya Rezagah","Efficient architecture of cellular networks for dynamic cell structuring with large-scale base station cooperation",,,,,,,2014,Sept. "Roya Rezagah","Efficient architecture of cellular networks for dynamic cell structuring with large-scale base station cooperation",,,,,,,2014,Sept.