"B. York,P. N. Hai,Q. Le,C. Hwang,Nguyen H.D. Khang,Ho Hoang Huy,J. Sasaki,X. Liu,S. Le,M. Ho,H. Takano","The Practical Material Challenges Involved in using the Topological Insulator BiSb in a Spin Transfer Device","The 32nd Magnetic Recording Conference (TMRC 2021)",,,,,,2021,Aug. "J. Sasaki,Ho Hoang Huy,Nguyen H.D. Khang,P. N. Hai,Q. Le,B. York,X. Liu,S. Le,C. Hwang,M. Ho,H. Takano","High spin Hall angle in sputtered BiSb topological insulator (bottom)/ ferromagnet with in-plane magnetization on sapphire substrates","The 32nd Magnetic Recording Conference (TMRC 2021)",,,,,,2021,Aug. "Tuo Fan,Nguyen Huynh Duy Khang,Takanori Shirokura,Ho Hoang Huy,Pham Nam Hai","Low power spin?orbit torque switching in sputtered BiSb topological insulator/perpendicularly magnetized CoPt/MgO multilayers on oxidized Si substrate",,"Applied Physics Letters",,"Vol. 119",,"pp. 082403",2021,Aug.