"Ampan Laosunthara,Jun Takeda,Hiroshi Akatsuka","Numerical study of electric potential formation in a weakly ionized plasma flowing supersonically through open magnetic field lines",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics","IOP Publishing","Vol. 56","No. 1"," 016201",2016,Nov. "Hiroshi Akatsuka,Jun Takeda,Atsushi Nezu","Azimuthal ExB drift of electrons induced by the radial electric field flowing through a longitudinal magnetic channel with non-magnetized ions","69th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC2016)","Bull. Am. Phys. Soc.","The American Physical Society","Vol. 61","No. 9","p. 72",2016,Oct. "Jun Takeda,Atsushi Nezu,Hiroshi Akatsuka","Experimental study on plasma flow along ErBz configuration with magnetized electron and non-magnetized ion","Technical Meeting on Plasma Science and Technology, IEE Japan","The Papers of Technical Meeting on Plasma Science and Technology, IEE Japan","The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan"," PST-16-053~074",,"pp. 109-114",2016,Aug. "Jun Takeda,Atsushi Nezu,Hiroshi Akatsuka","Effect of the radial electric field on the plasma flow through a magnetic channel with magnetized electrons and non-magnetized ions","18th International Congress on Plasma Physics (ICPP2016)","Book of Abstracts, 18th International Congress on Plasma Physics (ICPP2016)","Institute of Space and Plasma Sciences, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan",,,,2016,June "Jun Takeda,Atsushi Nezu,Hiroshi Akatsuka","Experimental Study on E ffect of Electric Field on Plasma Flow with Electrons Magnetized and Ions Nonmagnetized","2016 National Convention I.E.E. Japan","2016 National Convention Record I.E.E. Japan","The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan","vol. 1",,"p. 187",2016,Mar.