"Takashi Nakamura,Yosuke Kondo","Large acceptance spectrometers for invariant mass spectroscopy of exotic nuclei and future developments","International Conference on Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and Related Topics (EMIS)","Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms","Elsevier","Vol. 376",,"pp. 156-161",2016,June "Otsu, H.,Koyama, S.,Chiga, N.,Isobe, T.,Kobayashi, T.,Yosuke Kondo,Kurokawa, M.,Lynch, W. G.,Motobayashi, T.,Murakami, T.,Takashi Nakamura,Kurata-Nishimura, M.,Panin, V.,Sato, H.,Shimizu, Y.,Sakurai, H.,Tsang, M. B.,Yoneda, K.,Wang, H.","SAMURAI in its operation phase for RIBF users",,"Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms","Elsevier","Vol. 376",,"pp. 175-179",2016,June "Yasuda, J.,Sasano, M.,Zegers, R. G. T.,Baba, H.,Chao, W.,Dozono, M.,Fukuda, N.,Inabe, N.,Isobe, T.,Jhang, G.,Kameda, D.,Kubo, T.,Kurata-Nishimura, M.,Milman, E.,Motobayashi, T.,Otsu, H.,Panin, V.,Powell, W.,Sakai, H.,Sako, M.,Sato, H.,Shimizu, Y.,Stuhl, L.,Suzuki, H.,Tangwancharoen, S.,Takeda, H.,Uesaka, T.,Yoneda, K.,Zenihiro, J.,Kobayashi, T.,Sumikama, T.,Tako, T.,Takashi Nakamura,Yosuke Kondo,Togano, Y.,Shikata, M.,Tsubota, J.,Yako, K.,Shimoura, S.,Ota, S.,Kawase, S.,Kubota, Y.,Takaki, M.,Michimasa, S.,Kisamori, K.,Lee, C. S.,Tokieda, H.,Kobayashi, M.,Koyama, S.,Kobayashi, N.,Wakasa, T.,Sakaguchi, S.,Krasznahorkay, A.,Murakami, T.,Nakatsuka, N.,Kaneko, M.,Matsuda, Y.,Mucher, D.,Reichert, S.,Bazin, D.,Lee, J. W.","Inverse kinematics (p, n) reactions studies using the WINDS slow neutron detector and the SAMURAI spectrometer","International Conference on Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and Related Topics (EMIS)","Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms","Elsevier","Vol. 376",,"pp. 393-396",2016,June "P. Doornenbal,H. Scheit,S. Takeuchi,N. Aoi,K. Li,M. Matsushita,D. Steppenbeck,H. Wang,H. Baba,E. Ideguchi,N. Kobayashi,Y. Kondo,J. Lee,S. Michimasa,T. Motobayashi,A. Poves,H. Sakurai,M. Takechi,Y. Togano,K. Yoneda","Mapping the deformation in the "island of inversion": Inelastic scattering of 30Ne and 36Mg at intermediate energies",,"Physical Review C",," 93",," 004306",2016,Apr. "Yoshiteru Sato,Yousuke Kondo,T.Nakamura,R.Tanaka,R.Minakata,S.Ogoshi,N.A.Orr,N.L.Achouri,T.Aumann,H.Baba,F.Delaunay,P.Doornenbal,N.Fukuda,J.Gibelin,J.W.Hwang,N.Inabe,T.Isobe,D.Kameda,D.Kanno,S.Kim,N.Kobayashi,T.Kobayashi,T.Kubo,S.Leblond,J.Lee,F.M.Marques,T.Motobayashi,D.Murai,T.Murakami,K.Muto,T.Nakashima,N.Nakatsuka,A.Navin,S.Nishi,H.Otsu,H.Sato,Y.Shimizu,H.Suzuki,K.Takahashi,H.Takeda,S.Takeuchi,Y.Togano,A.G.Tuff,M.Vandebrouck,K.Yoneda","Nucleus 26O: A barely unbound system beyond the drip line",,"Physical Review Letters 116 (2016) 102503.",,"vol. 116",," 102503",2016,Mar. "K. Kisamori,S. Shimoura,H. Miya,S. Michimasa,S. Ota,M. Assie,H. Baba,T. Baba,D. Beaumel,M. Dozono,T. Fujii,N. Fukuda,S. Go,F. Hammache,E. Ideguchi,N. Inabe,M. Itoh,D. Kameda,S. Kawase,T. Kawabata,M. Kobayashi,Y. Kondo,T. Kubo,Y. Kubota,M. Kurata-Nishimura,C. S. Lee,Y. Maeda,H. Matsubara,K. Miki,T. Nishi,S. Noji,S. Sakaguchi,H. Sakai,Y. Sasamoto,M. Sasano,H. Sato,Y. Shimizu,A. Stolz,H. Suzuki,M. Takaki,H. Takeda,S. Takeuchi,A. Tamii,L. Tang,H. Tokieda,M. Tsumura,T. Uesaka,K. Yako,Y. Yanagisawa,R. Yokoyama,K. Yoshida","Candidate Resonant Tetraneutron State Populated by the 4He(8He,8Be) Reaction",,"PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS",," 116",," 052501",2016,Feb. "Y. Shiga,K. Yoneda,D. Steppenbeck,N. Aoi,P. Doornenbal,J. Lee,H. Liu,M. Matsushita,S. Takeuchi,H. Wang,H. Baba,P. Bednarczyk,Zs. Dombradi,Zs. Fulop,S. Go,T. Hashimoto,M. Honma,E. Ideguchi,K. Ieki,K. Kobayashi,Y. Kondo,R. Minakata,T. Motobayashi,D. Nishimura,T. Otsuka,H. Otsu,H. Sakurai,N. Shimizu,D. Sohler,Y. Sun,A. Tamii,R. Tanaka,Z. Tian,Y. Tsunoda,Zs. Vajta,T. Yamamoto,X. Yang,Z. Yang,Y. Ye,R. Yokoyama,J. Zenihiro","Investigating nuclear shell structure in the vicinity of 78Ni: Low-lying excited states in the neutron-rich isotopes 80,82Zn",,"Physical Review C",," 93",," 024320",2016,Feb. "Yoshiteru Sato,Nobuyuki Kobayashi,Takashi Nakamura,Yosuke Kondo,Tostevin, J. A.,Aoi, N.,Baba, H.,Barthelemy, R.,Famiano, M. A.,Fukuda, N.,Inabe, N.,Ishihara, M.,Kanungo, R.,Kim, S.,Kubo, T.,Lee, G. S.,Lee, H. S.,Matsushita, M.,Motobayashi, T.,Ohnishi, T.,Orr, N. A.,Otsu, H.,Sako, T.,Sakurai, H.,Sumikama, T.,Takeda, H.,Takeuchi, S.,Tanaka, R.,Togano, Y.,Yoneda, K.","One-neutron removal from 29Ne: defining the lower limits of the island of inversion",,"Physical Review C 93 (2016) 014613.","American Physical Society","Vol. 93"," 1"," 014613",2016,Jan. "Yousuke Kondo","Recent experimental studies using SAMURAI at RIBF","日本物理学会第71回年次大会",,,,,,2016, "Yousuke Kondo","Invariant spectroscopy at RIPS and RIBF","Physics with Fragment Separators - 25th Anniversary of RIKEN-Projectile Fragment Separator (RIPS25)",,,,,,2016, "Yousuke Kondo","Experimental study of 25-28O with SAMURAI","Direct Reactions with Exotic Beams (DREB2016)",,,,,,2016,