"Yoshiteru Sato","NEW NEUTRON-RICH ISOMERS OBSERVED AMONG FISSION FRAGMENTS OF 345 MEV/U U-238 AND EVOLUTION OF NUCLEAR STRUCTURE",,"FISSION AND PROPERTIES OF NEUTRON-RICH NUCLEI, ICFN5",,,,,2013,Nov. "Yoshiteru Sato","A study of CaMoO4 crystals for the AMoRE Experiment",,"IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record",,,,"pp. 1987-1990",2013,July "Yoshiteru Sato","Angular distributions of the vector Ay and tensor A yy, Axx, Axz analyzing powers in the d? - D3Hp reaction at 200 MeV",,"Phys. Rev. C 87, 051001(R) (2013).",,"Vol. 87","No. 5",,2013,May "Yoshiteru Sato","The N = 16 Spherical Shell Closure in 24O",,"Few-Body Systems 54, 459?463 (2013).",,"Vol. 54","No. 1-4","pp. 459-463",2013,Apr. "Yoshiteru Sato","Breakup reactions of neutron drip-line nuclei near N = 20, 28",,"Journal of Physics: Conference Series 436 (2013) 012047.",,"Vol. 436","No. 1",,2013,Apr. "Yoshiteru Sato","8He cluster structure studied by recoil proton tagged knockout reaction",,"Journal of Physics: Conference Series 436 (2013) 012048.",,"Vol. 436","No. 1",,2013,Apr. "Yoshiteru Sato,Tshoo, K.,Bhang, H.,Choi, S.,Hwang, J.W.,Takashi Nakamura,Kondo, Y.,Nakayama, Y.,Kobayashi, N.,Tanaka, K.N.,Deguchi, S.,Kawada, Y.,Tanaka, N.,Motobayashi, T.,Sakurai, H.,Otsu, H.,Aoi, N.,Takeuchi, S.,Yoneda, K.,Togano, Y.,Ishihara, M.,Shimoura, S.,Kobayashi, T.,Matsushita, M.,Honda, T.,Sumikama, T.,Miyashita, Y.,Yoshinaga, K.,Orr, N.A.,Marques, F.M.,Gibelin, J.,Delaunay, F.,Sohler, D.,Zheng, T.,Li, Z.H.,Cao, Z.X.","Invariant Mass Spectroscopy of 23O via the (p, p) Reaction in Inverse Kinematics",,"Few-Body Systems 54, 287?290 (2013).",,"Vol. 54","No. 1-4","pp. 287-290",2013,Mar. "Yoshiteru Sato","Elastic scattering of protons from 9C with a 290 MeV/nucleon 9C beam",,"Phys. Rev. C 87, 034614 (2013).",,"Vol. 87","No. 3",,2013,Mar. "Yoshiteru Sato","Breakup Reactions of Drip-Line Nuclei Near N = 20, 28",,"Few-Body Systems 54, 1441?1444 (2013).",,"Vol. 54","No. 7-10","pp. 1441-1444",2013,Mar. "Yoshiteru Sato","Discovery of the First 2- State in 16C via Neutron Knockout Reaction",,"Few-Body Systems 54, 1469?1472 (2013).",,"Vol. 54","No. 7-10","pp. 1469-1472",2013,Jan. "Yoshiteru Sato","ELASTIC SCATTERING OF He-6 FROM PROTON AND CARBON TARGETS AT 82.3 MeV/NUCLEON",,"NUCLEAR STRUCTURE IN CHINA 2012",,,,,2013,Jan. "Yoshiteru Sato","Analyzing Power in Elastic Scattering of Polarized Protons from Neutron-rich Helium Isotopes",,"Few-Body Systems 54, 1393?1398 (2013).",,"Vol. 54","No. 7-10","pp. 1393-1398",2013,Jan.