"Yoshiteru Sato","Cross-Shell States in 17,19C Populated via One-Neutron Knockout Reactions",,"JPS Conference Proceedings 23, 012032 (2018).",,,,,2018,Dec. "Yoshiteru Sato","First Observation of 20B and 21B",,"Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 262502 (2018).",,,,,2018,Dec. "Yoshiteru Sato","Unbound states in 17C probed via single-neutron removal from 18C at 245 MeV/u",,"AIP Conference Proceedings 1947 (2018) 020006.",,,,,2018,Apr. "Yoshiteru Sato","Identification of New Neutron-Rich Isotopes in the Rare-Earth Region Produced by 345 MeV/nucleon 238U",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 87 (2018) 014202.",,,,,2018,Jan.