"Junji Watanabe,Eun-Woo Lee,Masatoshi Tokita,Sungmin Kang","Various frustrated structures formed from acute-angle bent-shaped molecules","International workshop on bent-core liquid crystals by Toyota Riken","Toyota Riken International workshop on bent-core liquid crystals Abstract book",,,,"p. 22",2015,Nov. "Kohei Abe,Maito Koga,Takumi Wakabayashi,Sungmin Kang,Koichi Sakajiri,Junji Watanabe,Masatoshi Tokita","Thermally reversible distortion observed for triblock copolymers comprising main-chain liquid crystal polyesters attached to photo-cross-linked cinnamate segments at both ends",,"Macromolecules",,"Vol. 48",,"pp. 8354?8360",2015,Nov. "Hiroki Kuwahara,Sungmin Kang,Koichi Sakajiri,Junji Watanabe,Masatoshi Tokita","Development of Broadband Reflection Cholesteric Liquid Crystalline Films using High Birefringent Nematic Liquid Crystals","Japanese Liquid Crystal Conference 2015 Abstract",,,,,,2015,Aug. "Hiroki Kuwahara,Sungmin Kang,Koichi Sakajiri,Junji Watanabe,Masatoshi Tokita","Development of Broadband Reflection Cholesteric Liquid Crystalline Films using High Birefringent Nematic Liquid Crystals","The Society of Polymer Science, Japan","Polymer preprints, Japan",,"Vol. 64","No. 2"," 3J02",2015,Aug. "Naoto Iwata,Sungmin Kang,Junji Watanabe,Masatoshi Tokita,Osamu Sato","Nematic liquid crystal anchoring strengths of high density polymer brush surfaces","Japanese Liquid Crystal Conference 2015","Japanese Liquid Crystal Conference 2015 Abstract",,,," PB08",2015,Aug. "Hiroki KUWAHARA,Sungmin KANG,Koichi SAKAJIRI,Junji WATANABE,Masatoshi TOKITA","Development of Broadband Reflection Cholesteric Liquid Crystalline Films using High Birefringent Nematic Liquid Crystals","The 2015 Annual Meeting of the Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan","Fiber Preprints, Japan",,"Vol. 70","No. 1"," 1P265",2015,June "Takumi Wakabayashi,Sungmin Kang,Junji Watanabe,Masatoshi Tokita","Microphase-separated Structure of an ABA Triblock Copolymer with a Main-chain Nematic LC Central Block","The 2015 Annual Meeting of the Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan","Fiber Preprints, Japan",,"Vol. 70","No. 1"," 1P266",2015,June "Tomoya Yoshida,Atsuki Sugimoto,Aya Ikoma,Tatsuro Matsuoka,Sungmin Kang,Koichi Sakajiri,Junji Watanabe,Masatoshi Tokita","Odd?even effect on viscoelastic properties of twin-dimer nematic liquid crystals",,"Liquid Crystals",,"Vol. 42","No. 4","page 463-472",2015,May "Y. Harada,K. Sakajiri,H. Kuwahara,S. Kang,J. Watanabe,M. Tokita","Cholesteric films exhibiting expanded or split reflection bands prepared by atmospheric photopolymerisation of diacrylic nematic monomer doped with a photoresponsive chiral dopant",,"Journal of Materials Chemistry C",," 3"," 15"," 3790-3795",2015,Mar. "Susumu Kawauchi,Yoshihiro Hayashi,Shun Otsu,Junya Hiyoshi,Takafumi Natsumeda,Yoshihige Okuno,Joe Nishikawa,Masatoshi Tokita,Junji Watanabe","Helical Structures of N-methylated Aromatic Oligoamides: A Density Functional Study",,"AIP Conference Proceedings",," 1618",," 967-970",2015,Feb. "Osamu Sato,Naoto Iwata,Takahiro Kasai,Yoshinobu Tsujii,Sungmin Kang,Junji Watanabe,Masatoshi Tokita","Nematic liquid crystal anchoring strengths of high density polymer brush surfaces",,"Liquid Crystals","Taylor & Francis","Vol. 42","No. 2","page 181-188",2015,Feb. "yuki arakawa,Sungmin Kang,junji watanabe,Gen-ichi Konishi","Assembly of thioether-containing rod-like liquid crystalline materials assisted by hydrogen-bonding terminal carboxyl groups",,"RSC Adv.","Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)","Vol. 5","No. 11","pp. 8056-8062",2015,Jan. "Eunwoo Lee,Masaya Hattori,Fumiya Uehara,Masatoshi Tokita,Susumu Kawauchi,junji watanabe,Sungmin Kang","Smectic A?hexagonal columnar?B7 phase transition of acute-angle bent-core molecules",,"Journal of Materials Chemistry C","Royal Society of Chemistry","Vol. 3","No. 10","pp. 2266-2273",2015,Jan.