"Jun Okamura,Shuta Hanagasaki,Yukio Takeda","Kinematics Synthesis of a Two-dof Rotational Parallel Mechanism with Functions for Detection and Compensation of Position Error of the Rotation Center of the Output Link",,"Preprints of the Sixteenth Symposium on Theory of Machines and Mechanisms",,,,"pp. 29-36",2010,Nov. "Koji KITA,Yukio TAKEDA","Analysis of Determinant for Upright Position with Space-Suits Knee Loading","Symposium on Sports and Human Dynamics 2010","Proceedings of Symposium on Sports and Human Dynamics 2010",,,,"pp. 122-127",2010,Nov. "Soichiro MATSUDA,Yukio TAKEDA","Design of Shapes of Supporting Objects for Stable Walking by Elderly People","Symposium on Sports and Human Dynamics 2010","Proceedings of Symposium on Sports and Human Dynamics 2010",,,,"pp. 248-253",2010,Nov. "Tatsuya KOGA,Yun Ho TSOI,Yukio TAKEDA","Development of a joint rehabilitation ROBOT using parallel mechanism -Composition of the control system-","The First IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science","Proc. the First IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science",,,,,2010,Oct. "Asuka SHIOMI,Masaru HIGUCHI,Yukio TAKEDA,Hitoshi ARISUMI","Development of a Reel-out Mechanism with Large Dynamic Range Tension Control Characteristics for Casting Manipulator","The First IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science","Proc. the First IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science",,,,,2010,Oct. "Yoshiki YOSHIDA,Ken ICHIRYU,Yukio TAKEDA,Kazuya HIROSE","Development of a high precision stage for vacuum environment using parallel mechanism with double ball joints","The First IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science","Proc. the First IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science",,,,,2010,Oct. "Tatsuro Iwaya,Yukio Takeda,Makoto Ogata,Masaru Higuchi","Development of a Walking Assist Machine Using Crutches ? Motion for Ascending and Descending Steps","3rd European Conference on Mechanism Science","New Trends in Mechanism Science ? Analysis and Design, Mechanism and Machine Science 5","Springer",,,"pp. 319-326",2010,Sept. "Hung-Kuo Su,Yukio Takeda","Development of a Walking Assist Machine Using Crutch ? Motion for Turning","2nd Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop 2010","Proceeding of 2nd Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop 2010",,,,"p. 39",2010,Aug. "Yukio Takeda,Xiao Xiao,Kazuya Hirose,Yoshiki Yoshida,Ken Ichiryu","Kinematic analysis and design of 3-RPSR parallel mechanism with triple revolute joints on the base",,"International Journal of Automation Technology","Fuji Technology Press Ltd.","Vol. 4","No. 4","pp. 346-354",2010,July "Hitoshi Arisumi,Yukio Takeda,Kazuhito Yokoi","Collecting an object through the air by casting manipulation","2010 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2010 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics",,,,"p. 2A2-A29",2010,June "Asuka Shiomi,Masaru Higuchi,Hitoshi Arisumi,Yukio Takeda","Development of a reel out mechanism with largr dynamic range tension control characteristics for casting manipulator","2010 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2010 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics",,,,"p. 2A2-B10",2010,June "Tatsuya Koga,Yun Ho Tsoi,Yukio Takeda","Development of a rehabilitation device using parallel mechanism ? composition of control system","2010 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2010 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics",,,,"p. 1A2-G23",2010,June "Yukio TAKEDA,Xiao XIAO,Kazuya HIROSE,Yoshiki YOSHIDA,Ken ICHIRYU","3-RPSR Parallel Mechanism with Triple Revolute Joints on the Base","2010 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2010 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics",,,,"p. 1A2-G20",2010,June "Yoshiki Yoshida,Yukio Takeda,Ken Ichiryu,Kazuya Hirose","Development of high precision parallel mechanism for vacuum chamber","10th Machine Design and Tribology Division Meeting in JSME","Proceedings of the 10th Machine Design and Tribology Division Meeting in JSME",,,,"pp. 183-184",2010,Apr. "Masaki Omata,Yukio Takeda,Yun Ho Tsoi","Peg-in-hole by a position-orientation decoupled parallel manipulator with impedance control","10th Machine Design and Tribology Division Meeting in JSME","Proceedings of the 10th Machine Design and Tribology Division Meeting in JSME",,,,"pp. 181-182",2010,Apr. "Satoshi Inada,Masaru Higuchi,Yukio Takeda,Ken Ichiryu","Development of gripper with large gripping force for a draw pipe bender which fabricates complex three dimensional shaped pipes (proposal of a gripping mechanism which grasps 2-dimensional shaped pipes)","10th Machine Design and Tribology Division Meeting in JSME","Proceedings of the 10th Machine Design and Tribology Division Meeting in JSME",,,,"pp. 177-180",2010,Apr. "Masataka TANABE,Yukio TAKEDA","A Translational Parallel Manipulator with Fine Adjustment of Platform Orientation",,"Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Ser. C",,"Vol. 76","No. 763","pp. 727-733",2010,Mar. "Yukio TAKEDA,Kazuki ICHIKAWA,Wei GUO","A Spatial Six-Dof Parallel Manipulator with Redundant Actuators for Gross and Fine Motions",,"Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing",,"Vol. 4","No. 2","pp. 444-456",2010,Mar. "Tatsurou Iwaya,YUKIO TAKEDA,Makoto Ogata,MASARU HIGUCHI","松葉杖形歩行支援機械による段差昇降運動の消費エネルギーによる決定","日本機械学会関東支部第16期総会講演会","日本機械学会関東支部第16期総会講演会講演論文集","日本機械学会",,,"pp. 415-416",2010,Mar. "Masaru HIGUCHI,Makoto OGATA,Shuta SATO,Yukio TAKEDA","Development of a walking assist machine using crutches (Composition and basic experiments)",,"Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology","Springer","Vol. 24",,"pp. 245-248",2010,Jan. "YUKIO TAKEDA","パラレルマニピュレータ",,"ロボット","社団法人 日本ロボット工業会",,"No. 192","pp. 4-9",2010,Jan.