"Yusuke Sugahara,Kensuke Kikui,Mitsuru Endo,Jun Okamoto,Daisuke Matsuura,Yukio Takeda","A Human-Powered Joint Drive Mechanism Using Regenerative Clutches","2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems","Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems","IEEE",,,"pp. 6337-6342",2017,Dec. "佐久間菜月,二瓶美里,西畑智道,Yusuke Sugahara,Daisuke Matsuura,Yuuki Shima,YUKIO TAKEDA,鎌田実","高齢者向け上肢フリー移動体のための下肢動作を活用した操作手法の開発","第18回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2017)",,,,,"pp. 695-698",2017,Dec. "M.Russo,M. Ceccarelli,Y. Takeda","Comparison of motion/force transmissibility in a 3-SPR parallel manipulator and a 6-SPS equivalent mechanism","5th International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics (ISRM2017)","Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics (ISRM2017)",,,,,2017,Nov. "J. Brinker,B. Corves,Y. Takeda","Kinematic and Dynamic Dimensional Synthesis of Extended Delta Parallel Robots","5th International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics (ISRM2017)","Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics (ISRM2017)",,,,,2017,Nov. "Yusuke Sugahara,Daisuke Matsuura,YUKIO TAKEDA","高精度パラレルメカニズムの開発","第7回可視赤外線観測装置技術ワークショップ2017",,,,,,2017,Nov. "Souichirou Matsuda,Daisuke Matsuura,Yusuke Sugahara,YUKIO TAKEDA","高齢者の安定歩行支援のための住環境評価を目的としたバランス復帰特性に基づく単一支持物の評価指標の提案","日本機械学会・シンポジウム:スポーツ工学・ヒューマンダイナミクス2017","日本機械学会・シンポジウム:スポーツ工学・ヒューマンダイナミクス2017講演論文集","一般社団法人日本機械学会",,,,2017,Nov. "Souichirou Matsuda,Daisuke Matsuura,Yusuke Sugahara,YUKIO TAKEDA","Assessment of living space for assisting stable walks by elderly people based on evaluation of balance recovery capability (Indices for evaluation for stable walk by a single support object)",,"Bulletin of the JSME, Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)",,"Vol. 83","No. 854",,2017,Oct. "Jan Brinker,Marco L¨ubbecke,Yukio Takeda,Burkhard Corves","Optimization of the Reconfiguration Planning of Handling Systems Based on Parallel Manipulators With Delta-Like Architecture",,"IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS",,"Vol. 2","No. 3","pp. 1802-1808",2017,Aug. "Jan Brinker,Marco L?bbecke,Yukio Takeda,Burkhard Corves","Optimization of the Reconfiguration Planning of Handling Systems based on Parallel Manipulators with Delta-Like Architecture","2017 13th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE)","Proceedings of 2017 13th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE)",,,,"pp. 1286-1292",2017,Aug. "Yukio Takeda,Xinghai Liang","TRANSMISSION INDEX OF LOWER-MOBILITY PARALLEL MECHANISM - CASE STUDY ON 3-PRS MECHANISM -","ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE 2017","Proceedings of the ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE 2017",,,,,2017,Aug. "Jorge Solis,Ann-Louise Lindborg,Miki Saijo,Yukio Takeda,Cheng Zhang,Ryuta Takeda","Japan-Sweden Academia-Industry International Collaboration: Challenges in developing a robotic assistive eating device for frail elderly’s independent life","IEEE RO-MAN 2017. Workshop on The Barriers of Social Robotics take-up by Society","Proceedings of IEEE RO-MAN 2017. Workshop on The Barriers of Social Robotics take-up by Society",,,,"pp. 61-65",2017,Aug. "ALEXANDER SZIGETI,DAISUKE MATSUURA,YUKIO TAKEDA","DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF AN IMPROVED JANSEN LEG MECHANISM CAPABLE OF PASSIVELY ADAPTING TO OBSTACLES","23rd JC-IFToMM Symposium","Proceedings of the 23rd JC-IFToMM Symposium (2017)",,,,"pp. 96-103",2017,June "XINGHAI LIANG,YUKIO TAKEDA","TRANSMISSIBILITY AND SINGULARITY ANALYSIS OF 3-PRS PARALLEL MECHANISM BASED ON PRESSURE ANGLE","23rd JC-IFToMM Symposium","Proceedings of the 23rd JC-IFToMM Symposium (2017)",,,,"pp. 118-124",2017,June "JAN BRINKER,BURKHARD CORVES,MATHIAS H?SING,YUKIO TAKEDA","A SURVEY ON FULLY-PARALLEL DELTA-LIKE ROBOTS WITH ARTICULATED AND UNARTICULATED PLATFORMS","23rd JC-IFToMM Symposium","Proceedings of the 23rd JC-IFToMM Symposium (2017)",,,,"pp. 112-116",2017,June "MATTEO RUSSO,YUKIO TAKEDA,MARCO CECCARELLI","JACOBIAN ANALYSIS OF A 3-UPR PARALLEL MANIPULATOR FOR A ROBOTIC LEG APPLICATION","23rd JC-IFToMM Symposium","Proceedings of the 23rd JC-IFToMM Symposium (2017)",,,,"pp. 104-111",2017,June "Masumi Ohno,YUKIO TAKEDA","ダランベールの原理に基づく対偶すき間を有するパラレル機構の加減速時における出力誤差解析","第23回日本IFToMM会儀シンポジウム","日本IFToMM会儀シンポジウム前刷集(第23回)",,,,"pp. 85-90",2017,June "Ann-Louise Lindborg,Jorge Solis,Miki Saijo,Yukio Takeda,Cheng Zhang,Ryuta Takeda","Design approach of a robotic assistive eating device with a multi-grip and camera for frail elderly’s independent life","ICRA2017 Workshop on Advances and challenges on the development, testing and assessment of assistive and rehabilitation robots","Proc. ICRA2017 Workshop on Advances and challenges on the development, testing and assessment of assistive and rehabilitation robots",,,,"pp. 21-22",2017,May "Daisuke Matsuura,Toshihiro Ichinoseki,Tasuke Ogawa,Yuji Ichikawa,Tomokazu Takakura,Susumu Tachikawa,Koji Yoshihara,Hiroshi Ujiie,Yukio Takeda","Development of Ankle Rehabilitation Device which can Mechanically Avoid Undesirable Load","ICRA2017 Workshop on Advances and challenges on the development, testing and assessment of assistive and rehabilitation robots","Proc. ICRA2017 Workshop on Advances and challenges on the development, testing and assessment of assistive and rehabilitation robots",,,,"pp. 35-37",2017,May "Brinker J.,Corves B.,Takeda Y.","On the Motion/Force Transmissibility and Constrainability of Delta Parallel Robots","7th International Workshop on Computational Kinematics","Zeghloul S., Romdhane L., Laribi M. (eds) Computational Kinematics","Springer",,,"pp. 340-348",2017,May "J. Brinker,N. Funk,P. Ingenlath,Y. Takeda,B. Corves","Comparative Study of Serial-Parallel Delta Robots with Full Orientation Capabilities",,"IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters",,"Vol. 2","No. 2",,2017,May "Yuuki Shima,Yusuke Sugahara,Daisuke Matsuura,YUKIO TAKEDA,Mitsuru Endo,岡本淳","人力ロボティクスの研究(第9報,人力関節駆動機構における回生エネルギを用いた駆動アシスト)","日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2017","日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2017講演論文集",,,," 2A2-L04",2017,May "Daisuke Matsuura,Hitoshi Aoki,Yusuke Sugahara,YUKIO TAKEDA","生細胞試験用3次元磁気テザーの設計・試作と発生力制御","日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2017","日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2017講演論文集",,,," 2P2-O03",2017,May "Daisuke Matsuura,Amane Nagumo,Yusuke Sugahara,YUKIO TAKEDA","災害対応用マニピュレータの接触センシングに基づく障害物の易動性評価と動作計画","日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2017","日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2017講演論文集",,,," 2A2-I09",2017,May "Woo hyeok Choi,Daisuke Matsuura,Yusuke Sugahara,Yukio Takeda","An exoskeletal mechanism for rehabilitation of the CMC joint","The 7th International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology (ICMDT2017)","Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology (ICMDT2017)",,,,"pp. 146",2017,Apr. "Masahiro Takesue,Yusuke Sugahara,Daisuke Matsuura,Yukio Takeda","Determination of Anchor Points of Cable-driven Parallel Robot for Water Bottom Operation","The 7th International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology (ICMDT2017)","Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology (ICMDT2017)",,,,"pp. 52",2017,Apr. "Chu ZHANG,Bluest LAN,Daisuke MATSUURA,C?line MOUGENOT,Yusuke SUGAHARA,Yukio TAKEDA","KINEMATIC DESIGN OF A FOOTPLATE DRIVE MECHANISM USING A 3-DOF PARALLEL MECHANISM FOR WALKING REHABILITATION DEVICE","JSME International Conference on Motion and Power Transmissions","Proceedings of the JSME International Conference on Motion and Power Transmissions",,,,"pp. 649-645",2017,Feb.