"AKIO SAITO,宇高義郎,SEIJI OKAWA,中田直樹,山崎博之","円筒カプセルを用いた潜熱蓄熱の研究","第26回日本伝熱シンポジウム","第26回日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集",,," E213","pp. 574-576",1989,May "Akio Saito,Seiji Okawa,Atsushi Tamaki","Fundamental Research on Supercooling Penomenon on Heat Transfer Surfaces","International Symposium on Cold Regions Heat Transfer","International Symposium on Cold Regions Heat Transfer",,,,"pp. 79-84",1989, "斎藤彬夫,大河誠司,玉木淳","On the Freezing Process with Supercooling-Measurements of the Cooling Rate Affecting the Freezing Temperature of Supercooled Water-",,"Transactions of the Japanese Association of Refrigeration",,"Vol. 6","No. 1","pp. 31-38",1989, "斎藤彬夫,宇高義郎,大河誠司,石橋浩昭","Fundamental Research on Heat Transfer Characteristics in Shell & Tube Type Ice Forming Cold Energy Storage",,"Transactions of the Japanese Association of Refrigeration",,"Vol. 6","No. 3","pp. 31-34",1989,