"Katsuhisa Furuta,Mitsuji Sampei","Pash Control of a Three-Dimensional Linear Motional Mechanical System Using Laser",,"IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics",,"Vol. 35","No. 1","pp. 52-59",1988, "Mitsuji Sampei,Katsuhisa Furuta","Robot Control in the Neighborhood of Singular Points",,"IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation",,"Vol. 4","No. 3","pp. 303-309",1988, "Mitsuji Sampei,Eiji Kato,Katsuhisa Furuta","Approximate Input-Output Linearization of Nonlinear Systems",,"Transactions of Society of Instrument and Control Engineers Japan",,"Vol. 24","No. 8","pp. 809-816",1988,