"Anil Wijeyewickrema","Can elastic wave cloaking be used to protect structures from earthquakes?","Sri Lanka Studentsf Association in Japan (SLSAJ) Annual Research Conference","Sri Lanka Studentsf Association in Japan (SLSAJ) Annual Research Conference",,,,"pp. 4",2018,Dec. "Shrestha B. K.,Wijeyewickrema, A. C.,Obara,Kono","Numerical analysis of post-tensioned hybrid precast concrete infill wall-frame buildings","The 7th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (ACEE-2018)","The 7th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (ACEE-2018)",,,,"pp. ACEE-P-0197",2018,Nov. "Malla,Wijeyewickrema, A. C.","Direct displacement-based design of coupled walls with coupling beam fuses using inelastic spectra","The 7th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (ACEE-2018)","The 7th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (ACEE-2018)",,,,"pp. ACEE-P-0196",2018,Nov. "Hetti Arachchige Don Samith Buddika,Wijeyewickrema, A. C.","Effects of near-fault ground motions on seismic response of post-tensioned hybrid precast concrete wall-frame buildings","The 7th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (ACEE-2018)","The 7th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (ACEE-2018)",,,,"pp. ACEE-P-0171",2018,Nov. "Naresh Subedi,Wijeyewickrema A.C.","Collapse Performance Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Buildings with Masonry Infills: A Case Study of Nepal","Asia-Oceania Top University League in Engineering (AOTULE) 2018 Conference","Asia-Oceania Top University League in Engineering (AOTULE) 2018 Conference","Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India",,,"pp. 64",2018,Nov. "Satish Bhagat,Hetti Arachchige Don Samith Buddika,Rohit Kumar Adhikari,Anuja Shrestha,Sanjeema Bajracharya,Rejina Joshi,Jenisha Singh,Rajali Maharjan,Anil Wijeyewickrema","Damage to cultural heritage structures and buildings due to the 2015 Nepal Gorkha Earthquake",,"Journal of Earthquake Engineering",,"Vol. 22","No. 10","pp. 1861-1880",2018,Oct. "Satish Bhagat,Wijeyewickrema A.,Naresh Subedi","Influence of Near-fault Ground Motions with Fling-step and Forward-directivity Characteristics on Seismic Response of Base-isolated Buildings",,"Journal of Earthquake Engineering",,,,,2018,Oct. "Shrestha B K,Wijeyewickrema A.C.","Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Framed Buildings with Post-Tensioned Hybrid Precast Concrete Walls as Infill Walls","2018 Taiwan-Japan Joint Symposium on the Advancement of Urban Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Technology","Proceedings 2018 Taiwan-Japan Joint Symposium on the Advancement of Urban Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Technology",,,,"pp. 38-41",2018,Sept. "Niraj Malla,Wijeyewickrema A.C.","Distributed Parameter Approach for the Displacement-Based Design of Coupled Wall Building with Fuses","2018 Taiwan-Japan Joint Symposium on the Advancement of Urban Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Technology","Proceedings 2018 Taiwan-Japan Joint Symposium on the Advancement of Urban Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Technology",,,,"pp. 9-12",2018,Sept. "Gobirahavan Rajeswaran,Wijeyewickrema A.C.","Seismic collapse assessment of RC buildings retrofitted with viscous dampers","Tenth Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW 2018),","Tenth Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW 2018)",,,,"pp. 76",2018,Aug. "Zixuan Zhou,Wijeyewickrema A.C.","A Cellular automata model to investigate altruistic behavior in emergency evacuation","Tenth Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW 2018),","Tenth Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW 2018)",,,,"pp. 75",2018,Aug. "Pisith Sam,Wijeyewickrema A.C.","Free vibration analysis of microbeams using finite element method","Tenth Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW 2018),","Tenth Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW 2018)",,,,"pp. 66",2018,Aug. "Nicolas Ortiz,Wijeyewickrema A.C.","Multihazard Loading Interaction in a Diagrid Frame System","Tenth Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW 2018),","Tenth Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW 2018)",,,,"pp. 65",2018,Aug. "Shrestha B K,Wijeyewickrema A.C.","Reduction of Higher Mode Effects in Post-Tensioned Hybrid Precast Concrete Walls using an Intermediate Rocking Section","Tenth Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW 2018),","Tenth Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW 2018)",,,,"pp. 64",2018,Aug. "Niraj Malla,Wijeyewickrema A.C.","Displacement Based Design of Coupled Walls with Replaceable Coupling Beam Fuses","Tenth Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW 2018),","Tenth Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW 2018)",,,,"pp. 80",2018,Aug. "Naresh Subedi,Wijeyewickrema A.C.","Performance of RC Buildings with Masonry Infill Walls during the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake","Tenth Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW 2018),","Tenth Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW 2018)",,,,"pp. 79",2018,Aug. "Hetti Arachchige Don Samith Buddika,Wijeyewickrema A.","Seismic Shear Forces in Post-Tensioned Hybrid Precast Concrete Walls",,"ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering","American Society of Civil Engineers","Vol. 144","No. 7","pp. 1-18",2018,July "Porjan Tuttipongsawat,Wijeyewickrema, A. C.,Sasikorn Leungvichcharoen","Antiplane elastic wave cloaking of a circular cylindrical elastic inclusion","ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI 2018)","ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI 2018)",,,"No. 1220",,2018,June "Joshi R.,Wijeyewickrema A.C.,Shrestha B K,Obara T.,Watanabe H.,Kono, S","Effectiveness of Using Rocking Walls as Window Piers in Multi-Story Reinforced Concrete Buildings","Sixteenth European Conference on Earthquake Engineering","Proceedings of the Sixteenth European Conference on Earthquake Engineering",,,,,2018,June "Satish Bhagat,Wijeyewickrema A.","Seismic collapse probability considering pounding and financial loss estimation of base-isolated reinforced concrete buildings",,"Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami",,"Vol. 12","No. 03","pp. 1850008",2018,June "Gobirahavan Rajeswaran,Wijeyewickrema, A. C.","Seismic retrofit of rc buildings with nonlinear viscous dampers: design method and case study","Sixteenth European Conference on Earthquake Engineering",,,,,,2018,June "Rungamornrat, J.,Nguyen, B. T.,Pich V. C.,Phongtinnaboot W.,Wijeyewickrema, A. C.","Generalized T-stress Solutions for Penny-shaped Cracks in Transversely Isotropic Piezoelectric Media",,"Engineering Fracture Mechanics",,"Vol. 192",,"pp. 225-241",2018,Apr. "Naresh Subedi,Wijeyewickrema A.","Behavior of Typical Reinforced Concrete Buildings in Nepal Subjected to the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake","Tenth TIT-NCU Student Seminar for Civil Engineering","Tenth TIT-NCU Student Seminar for Civil Engineering",,,,,2018,Mar. "Kimleng Khy,Chatpan Chintanapakdee,Wijeyewickrema, A. C.","An improved RSA procedure to compute shear force in tall RC shear wall buildings","Proceedings of EURO-C 2018","Proceedings of EURO-C 2018",,,,"pp. 993-1002",2018,Mar. "Gobirahavan Rajeswaran,Wijeyewickrema, A. C.","A practical design method to retrofit existing RC buildings with viscous dampers","Proceedings of EURO-C 2018","Proceedings of EURO-C 2018",,,,"pp. 983-992",2018,Mar.