"Kyohei Nakano,Takayuki Usui,Yukiko Takayashiki,Hiroaki Iino,Jun-ichi Hanna","Evaluatin of Carrier Collection Efficiency in Ordered Bulk-Heterojunction Solar Cells with Self-Organizing Small Molecular Semiconductors","2013 MRS Fall Meeting","Abstract of 2013 MRS Fall Meeting",,,," 286",2013,Dec. "Jun-ichi Hanna,Hiroaki Iino,takayuki usui,Hisashi Okamura","プリンテッドエレクトロニクス用有機半導体の実用化に向けて ―プロセス技術と材料設計―","第3回プリンテッドエレクトロニクスシンポジウム","第3回プリンテッドエレクトロニクスシンポジウム 講演予稿集",,,,,2013,Dec. "Kyohei Nakano,Takayuki Usui,Yukiko Takayashiki,Hiroaki Iino,Jun-ichi Hanna","Evaluation of Carrier Collection Efficiency of Ordered Bulk-heterojunction Solar Cells with Self-organizing Small Molecules","CEMS International Symposium on Supramolecular Chemistry and Functional Materials 2013","Abstract of CEMS International Symposium on Supramolecular Chemistry and Functional Materials 2013",,,," 45",2013,Dec. "Jun-ichi Hanna,Hiroaki Iino","有機デバイスにおける分子配向制御と液晶物質 ?有機トランジスタを例として?","有機EL討論会 第17回例会","有機EL討論会第17回例会 講演予稿集",,,,,2013,Nov. "Xu-Ying Liu,Takayuki Usui,Hiroaki Iino,Jun-ichi Hanna","Phase transition, optical and photoconductive properties of bay-substituted benzoporphyrin derivatives",,"Journal of Materials Chemistry C","The Royal Society of Chemistry","Vol. 1","No. 48","p. 8186?8193",2013,Oct. "Hiroaki Iino,Takayuki Usui,Jun-ichi Hanna","High mobility over 10cm2/Vs of organic polycrystalline thin film transistor using liquid crystalline organic-semiconductor","2013年日本液晶学会討論会","Abstracts of The Japanese Liquid Crystal Society Annual Meetings 2013","Japanese Liquid Crystal Society",,,"pp. 3b15",2013,Sept. "Kyohei Nakano,Takayuki Usui,Yukiko Takayashiki,Hiroaki Iino,Jun-ichi Hanna","Evaluation of Carrier Collection Efficiency of Ordered Bulk Hetero-junction Solar Cells with Polycrystal of Calamitic Liquid Crystalline Material","The 74th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2013","Extended Abstracts (The 74th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2013)","The Japan Society of Applied Physics","Vol. 2013秋",,"pp. 18a-P6-9",2013,Sept. "Yukiko Takayashiki,Akira Ohno,Hiroaki Iino,Jun-ichi Hanna","Side-Chain Effects of Calamitic Liquid Crystalline materials for Carrier Transport Properties","The 74th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2013","Extended Abstracts (The 74th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2013)","The Japan Society of Applied Physics","Vol. 2013秋",,"pp. 19a-C5-8",2013,Sept. "Hiroaki Iino,Takayuki Usui,Jun-ichi Hanna","Increased mobility and changed crystal structure of Ph-BTBT-10 polycrystalline thin films by thermal annealing","The 74th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2013","Extended Abstracts (The 74th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2013)","The Japan Society of Applied Physics","Vol. 2013秋",,"pp. 19a-C5-7",2013,Sept. "Kyohei Nakano,Takayuki Usui,Yukiko Takayashiki,Hiroaki Iino,Jun-ichi Hanna","Evaluation of carrier Collection Efficiency of Organic Thin-film Solar Cells with a Calamitic Liquid Crystal","2013年日本液晶学会討論会","Abstracts of The Japanese Liquid Crystal Society Annual Meetings 2013","Japanese Liquid Crystal Society",,,"pp. PB58",2013,Sept. "Tadaaki Tani,Hiroaki Iino,Takayuki Uchida,Jun-ichi Hanna","Electronic Structure of Interface between Electrode and Liquid-Crystalline Organic Semiconductor V:Analysis of Change in Work Function of Electrodes",,"日本写真学会誌","日本写真学会","Vol. 76","No. 4","pp. 318?323",2013,Aug. "Hiroaki Iino,Takayuki Usui,Jun-ichi Hanna","High performance liquid crystalline organic field effect transistor materials: How does the liquid crystallinity solve problems in conventional soluble OFET materials?","SPIE Optics + Photonics 2013","Abstract of SPIE Optics + Photonics 2013",,,,,2013,Aug. "Xu-Ying Liu,Takayuki Usui,Hiroaki Iino,Jun-ichi Hanna","Colored P-type Semiconductors: Discotic Liquid Crystalline Benzoporphyrin Derivatives","The 111th Annual Conference of the Imaging Society of Japan","第111回 日本画像学会年次大会 要旨集",,,,"p. 249-252",2013,June "Hiroaki Iino,Takayuki Usui,Jun-ichi Hanna","液晶性を活用した溶液プロセスによる高品質な有機トランジスタの作製","第17回液晶化学研究会シンポジューム","第17回液晶化学研究会シンポジウム講演要旨集","液晶化学研究会",,," 49",2013,June "Yukiko Takayashiki,Akira Ohno,Hiroaki Iino,Jun-ichi Hanna","The Effective Molecular Design on Carrier Transport Properties in Smectic Liquid Crystalline Materials","The 111th Annual Conference of the Imaging Society of Japan","第111回 日本画像学会年次大会 要旨集",,,,"p. 257-260",2013,June "Hiroshi Matsuno,Hiroaki Iino,Jun-ichi Hanna","Study of solvent effects in fabrication of polycrystalline thin films with organic liquid crystal semiconductor and its application to OFET","The 111th Annual Conference of the Imaging Society of Japan","第111回 日本画像学会年次大会 要旨集",,,,"p. 261-264",2013,June "Kyohei Nakano,Takayuki Usui,Yukiko Takayashiki,Hiroaki Iino,Jun-ichi Hanna","Evaluation of Photo-generated Carrier Transport Efficiency in a Dye Composite Thin Film","Imaging Conference JAPAN 2013","日本画像学会年次大会 論文集",,,,,2013,June "Hiroaki Iino,Takayuki Usui,Jun-ichi Hanna","Development of Practical Organic Transistor Using Liquid Crystalline Organic Semiconductor -Improvement of Fabrication Process and FET Mobility-","The 111th Annual Conference of the Imaging Society of Japan","第111回 日本画像学会年次大会 要旨集",,,,"p. 253-256",2013,June "Tadaaki Tani,Hiroaki Iino,Akira Ohno,Jun-ichi Hanna","Electronic Structure of Interface between Liquid-Crystalline Organic Semiconductor and Electrode IV: Ionization Energy in Liquid-Crystalline Phase",,"日本写真学会誌","日本写真学会","Vol. 76","No. 2","pp. 119-124",2013,Apr. "Hiroshi Matsuno,Hiroaki Iino,Jun-ichi Hanna","Inspection of solvent effects in fabrication of polycrystal thin films with organic liquid crystal semiconductor and application for OFET","2013年度 日本写真学会年次大会","Journal of The Society of Photographic Science and Technology of Japan","日本写真学会","Vol. 76","No. 2","pp. 137",2013,Apr. "Hiroaki Iino,Takayuki Usui,Jun-ichi Hanna","Fabrication of transistor with liquid crystalline organic semiconductors","2013年度 日本写真学会年次大会","Journal of The Society of Photographic Science and Technology of Japan","日本写真学会","Vol. 76","No. 2","pp. 136",2013,Apr. "Hiroaki Iino,Takayuki Usui,Jun-ichi Hanna","Improvement of transistors with liquid crystalline organic semiconductors","2013年度 日本写真学会年次大会","Journal of The Society of Photographic Science and Technology of Japan","日本写真学会","Vol. 76","No. 2","pp. 135",2013,Apr. "Hiroaki Iino,Takayuki Usui,Jun-ichi Hanna","Improvement of FET performance in of polycrystalline Ph-BTBT-10 FETs","第60回応用物理学会関係連合講演会","Extended Abstracts (The 60th Spring Meeting, 2013) The Japan Society of Applied Physics and Related Societies","応用物理学会",,,"pp. 12-290",2013,Mar. "Hiroaki Iino,Takayuki Usui,Jun-ichi Hanna","Fabrication of polycrystalline thin film of liquid crystalline organic semiconductors at lower temperatures and its FET applications","第60回応用物理学会関係連合講演会","Extended Abstracts (The 60th Spring Meeting, 2013) The Japan Society of Applied Physics and Related Societies","応用物理学会",,,"pp. 12-291",2013,Mar. "Hiroaki Iino,Takayuki Usui,Jun-ichi Hanna","Improved fabrication of polycrystalline thin films of liquid crystalline organic semiconductors for FET applications","Seventh International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Bioelectronics (M&BE7)","Abstracts of Seventh International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Bioelectronics (M&BE7)",,,," 104",2013,Mar. "Hiroaki Iino,Takayuki Usui,Jun-ichi Hanna","Fabrication of organic transistors by solution process using liquid crystaninilty and evaluation of the transistors","日本化学会第93回春季年会","日本化学会第93回春季年会講演予稿集","日本化学会",,,"pp. 1A3-40",2013,Mar. "Jun-ichi Hanna,Hiroaki Iino,Takayuki Usui,Hisashi Okamura","Fabrication of Organic Field Effect Transistors by Utilizing Liquid Crystallinity and their Device Performance","日本学術振興会 142委員会 C部会","日本学術振興会 142委員会C部会講演予稿集",,,,,2013,Jan. "Jun-ichi Hanna,Hiroaki Iino","Liquid Crystals as a Field Effect Transistor Material -the best material solution for solution-processed OFETs-","New Frontiers of LCs in Sciecnce and Technology",,,,,,2013, "Kyohei Nakano,Takeo Kobori,Yukiko Takayashiki,Hiroaki Iino,Jun-ichi Hanna","Organic Light Emitting Diode with Highly Ordered Polycrystalline Thin Film",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 52","No. 5","p. 05DC14",2013,