"HIRONAO KANEKO","Warranty of Accurate information on the Informational Service Provider(ISP) -Curating Site Case","Asian Law and Society Asoociation Conference 2017",,,,,,2017,Dec. "HIRONAO KANEKO","米国電子証拠判例2016-2017年前半","デジタル・フォレンジック研究会第14期第3回「法務・監査」分科会",,,,,,2017,Oct. "HIRONAO KANEKO","パネルディスカッション","41th Annual Conference of Law and Computer Japan","Journal of the Law and Computers Association of Japan","Tha Law and Computer Association of Japan",,"No. 35","pp. 65-76",2017,July "HIRONAO KANEKO,Catherine Easton","AI and Legal Issues in EU","41th conference of the Law anc Computers Association of Japan","Journal of the Law and Computers Association of Japan","The Law and Computers Association of Japan",,"No. 35","pp. 49-55",2017,July "HIRONAO KANEKO","Civil Suits against Defendant in Relative Poverty in Japan","Law and Society 2017",,,,,,2017,June "HIRONAO KANEKO","Discussion on Kumamoto Fokoushien Project and Disaster Recovery","Japan Law and Economics 2016 Annual conference","Law and Economics Review","Japan Law and Economics Association","Vol. 12","No. 1","pp. 20-31",2017,May