"HIRONAO KANEKO","アメリカにおける電子証拠の取扱い",,"町村泰貴,白石幸夫,櫻庭信之『電子証拠の理論と実務 第二版』","民事法研究会",,,"pp. 26-73",2021,Dec. "Hironao Kaneko","Legal Issues on Cashless Payment and Accessibility",,"Journal of Law and Information System","有斐閣","Vol. 10",,"pp. 91-100",2021,Nov. "HIRONAO KANEKO","家族関係訴訟のコスト-DNA鑑定を中心に-","法と経済学会 第19回全国大会",,,,,,2021,Nov. "HIRONAO KANEKO","?法律構成の違いが分かる?依頼者属性別 弁護士が知りたいキャッシュレス決済のしくみ",,,"第一法規",,,,2021,Oct. "HIRONAO KANEKO","Inequality of living for the handicapped amid the COVID-19 pandemic","Virtual RCSL Conference",,,,,,2021,Sept. "Hironao Kaneko","Legal Education Opportunities for Foreign Students","Asian Law and Society Association Conference 2021",,,,,,2021,Sept. "HIRONAO KANEKO","法学教養科目としての憲法科目の国立大学における現状","The Japan Society for Law and Education",,,,,,2021,Sept. "Hironao Kaneko","Current Issues on Social Media",,"RULE OF LAW","JAPAN BAR ASSOCIATION",,"No. 202","pp. 51-61",2021,Aug. "HIRONAO KANEKO","ADA Application to Web Accessibility in US and its Implication to Japanese Laws",,"Journal of the Law and Computers Association of Japan","第一法規",,"No. 39","pp. 89-96",2021,July "Hironao Kaneko","文献案内:井上哲也著『デジタル円 日銀が暗号通貨を発行する日』",,"Journal of Law and Computers Association of Japan",,,"No. 39","p. 99",2021,July "Hironao Kaneko","Personal Information Leakage Notification and Criminal Law in Cashless Society","12th Annual Asian Criminological Society Conference",,,,,,2021,June "Hironao Kaneko","Issues on Law and Reguration of Cashless Payment",,"現代消費者法","民事法研究会","Vol. 51",,"pp. 21-27",2021,June "HIRONAO KANEKO","The Human Resource of the Law Course in Liberal Arts Education in Japan: Survey on National University","Law and Society 2021 Annual Meeting",,,,,,2021,May "HIRONAO KANEKO","The Civil Jury Trial: New Democracy in Argentina, Japan, China, the U.S. and Beyond: 5)The Human Resource of the Law Course","Law and Society 2021 Annual Meeting",,,,,,2021,May "HIRONAO KANEKO","法学教養科目を取り巻く環境 -国立大学法人を例として-","2021年度日本法社会学会学術大会",,,,,,2021,May "Hironao Kaneko","Ethics and Law for the Medical-Engineering Collaboration -Experience of a Legal Scholar and Patient-","The 34th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of External Fixation and Limb Lengthening 2021 TOKYO",,,,,,2021,Mar. "HIRONAO KANEKO","所有権留保売買における倒産解除特約の効力",,"倒産判例百選第六版","有斐閣",,,"pp. 154-155",2021,Jan. "HIRONAO KANEKO","Disabled Workers amid COVID-19","Symposium on the COVID Care Crisis and its Implications for Legal Academia",,,,,,2021,Jan.