"Hirotaka Aoki,Kenji Itoh,J. P. Hansen","注視インタフェースのユーザビリティに対する設計要因の影響分析","平成17年度日本経営工学会秋季研究大会","平成17年度日本経営工学会秋季研究大会予稿集",,,,"pp. 16-17",2005,Sept. "Hirotaka Aoki,John Paulin Hansen,Itoh, K.","Learning to type Japanese text by gaze interaction in six hours",,"Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction",,"Vol. 7","No. CD-ROM","pp. 9 pages",2005,July "Hirotaka Aoki","Encyclopedia of Ergonomics",,"Maruzen Publishing","Maruzen Publishing",,,"pp. 170-176, 617",2005, "Hirotaka Aoki,Kenji Itoh,John Paulin Hansen","Analysis of learning processes in gaze interface for typing Japanese texts",,"Japanese Journal of Ergonomics",,"Vol. 41","No. 6","pp. 345-358",2005, "Hirotaka Aoki","研究者海外派遣報告",,"Annual Report of the Murata Science Foundation",,,"No. 19","pp. 487-489",2005, "Hirotaka Aoki,Kenji Itoh,John Paulin Hansen","Learning to type Japanese text by gaze interaction in six hours",,"Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Communication by Gaze Interaction",,,,"pp. 22-28",2005, "Hirotaka Aoki,Kenji Itoh,John Paulin Hansen","Analysis of errors caused by eye movement attributes in learning processes of gaze interface,",,"Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of Japan Ergonomics Research Society",,"Vol. 41","No. Supplement","pp. 274-275",2005, "Hirotaka Aoki,Kenji Itoh,John Paulin Hansen","Evaluation of learnability of gaze interface for typing Japanese texts",,"Japanese Journal of Ergonomics",,"Vol. 41","No. 2","pp. 65-76",2005,