"J. Denda,K. Uryu,M. Watanabe","Resistance switching memory characteristics of Si/CaF2/CdF2 quantum-well structures grown on metal (CoSi2) Layer","The 2012 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials",,," PS-9-6",," 310-311",2012,Sept. "J. Denda,K. Uryu,M. Watanabe","Resistance switching characteristics of Si/CaF2/CdF2 resonant-tunneling quantum-well structures grown on CoSi2","The 73nd Autumn Meeting of The Jpn. Soc. of Appl. Phys",,," 12p-PA1-13",," 14-084",2012,Sept. "Y. Kurachi,M. Watanabe","Spectral sensitivity of ƒÅƒÊƒÑ product for CaF2/Si quantum-dot structures","The 73nd Autumn Meeting of The Jpn. Soc. of Appl. Phys",,," 12a-F7-6",," 16-006",2012,Sept. "T. Ochi,M. Watanabe","Room temperature near-infrared electroluminescence from Si/CaF2 quantum cascade laser structures","The 73nd Autumn Meeting of The Jpn. Soc. of Appl. Phys",,," 12p-PA1-12",," 14-083",2012,Sept. "K. Uryu,J. Denda,M. Watanabe","Fabrication of crosspoint resistance switching devices using CaF2/CdF2/Si quantum-well structures grown on CoSi2/Si(100)","The 59th Spring Meeting, The Japan Society of Applied Physics and Related Societies",,," 18a-E1-7",," 14-101",2012,Mar.