"M. Watanabe,Y. Iketani,M. Asada","Epitaxial Growth and Electrical Characteristics of CaF2/Si/CaF2 Resonant Tunneling Diode Structures Grown on Si(111) 1°-off Substrate",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 39","No. 10A","pp. L964-L967",2000,Oct. "M. Watanabe,Y. Iketani,M. Asada","Characteristics of Epitaxial Si/CaF2 Resonant Tunneling Diodes Grown on Si(111) 1° off Substrate","2000 IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop",,," 5-6",," 63-64",2000,June "Y. Iketani,M. Watanabe,M. Asada","Fabrication and characterization of Si/CaF2 double barrier resonant tunneling diode on Si(111) 1°off substrate","The 47th Spring Meeting of The Jpn. Soc. Of Appl. Phys. And Related Societies",,," 30a-YD-8"," 3"," 1340",2000,Mar. "M. Watanabe,M. Tsutsui,M. Asada","Resonant Tunneling Diode Silicon Substrate using Si-CaF2 and CdF2-CaF2 Heterostructures","電子情報通信学会(電子デバイス研究会)",,," ED99-316"," SDM99-209"," 73-78",2000,Feb. "M.Asada,Y.Oguma,N.Sashinaka","Estimation of interwell terahertz gain by photon-assisted tunneling measurement in triple-barrier resonant tunneling diodes",,"Appl.Phys.Lett.",,"Vol. 77","No. 5","pp. 618-620",2000, "M.Watanabe,Y.Iketani,M.Asada","Epitaxial growth and electrical characteristics of CaF2/Si/CaF2 resonant tunneling diode structure grown on Si(111) 1-degree-off substrate",,"Japan.J.Appl.Phys.",,"Vol. 39","No. 10A","pp. L964-L967",2000, "A.Itoh,M.Saitoh,M.Asada","A 25-nm-long channel metal-gate p-type Schottky source/drain metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor on SIMOX substrate",,"Japan.J.Appl.Phys.",,"Vol. 39","No. 8","pp. 4757-4758",2000, "N.Sashinaka,Y.Oguma,M.Asada","Observation of terahertz photon-assisted tunneling in triple-barrier resonant tunneling diodes integrated with patch antenna",,"Japan.J.Appl.Phys.",,"Vol. 39","No. 8","pp. 4899-4903",2000,