"K. Jinen,K. Uchida,S. Kodaira,M. Watanabe,M. Asada","Improvement of electroluminescence from CdF2/CaF2 Intersubband light-emitting structure by trench patterning and hydrogen annealing of Si substrate",,"IEICE Electronics Express",,"Vol. 3","No. 23","pp. 493-498",2006,Dec. "T. Kanazawa,R. Fujii,T. Wada,Y. Suzuki,M. Watanabe,M. Asada","Control of NDR Characteristics of CdF2/CaF2 RTDs Using Nano-Area Local Growth on Si(100) Substrates","2006 International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference",,,"Vol. 27B-11-7",,"pp. 410-411",2006,Oct. "K. Jinen,T. Kikuchi,M. Watanabe,M. Asada","Near-infrared Electroluminescence from Multilayered CdF2/CaF2 Quantum Heterostructure Grown on Trench-Patterned Si(111) Substrate","3rd IEEE International Conference of GroupIV Photonics",,,"Vol. P29",,"pp. 128-130",2006,Sept. "T. Kanazawa,R. Fujii,T. Wada,Y. Suzuki,M. Watanabe,M. Asada","I-V characteristics of CdF2/CaF2 resonant tunneling diodes on Si(100) substrate by nano-area local growth method","The 67th Autumn Meeting of The Jpn. Soc. of Appl. Phys",,," 30p-RE-14"," 3"," 1266",2006,Aug. "K. Jinen,K. Uchida,S. Kodaira,M. Kumei,H. Sano,M. Watanabe,M. Asada","Theoretical Analysis of Intersubband Transition Time in (CdF2/CaF2) Quantum Well Structure","The 67th Autumn Meeting of The Jpn. Soc. of Appl. Phys",,," 30p-RE-17"," 3"," 1267",2006,Aug. "S. Kodaira,K. Jinen,K. Uchida,M. Kumei,H. Sano,M. Watanabe,M. Asada","Atomic Step Control of Si Substrate Surface for Fluoride Based Intersubband Transition Lasers","The 67th Autumn Meeting of The Jpn. Soc. of Appl. Phys",,," 30p-RE-15"," 3"," 1267",2006,Aug. "K. Uchida,K. Jinen,S. Kodaira,M. Kumei,H. Sano,M. Watanabe,M. Asada","Fabrication of Plasmon Waveguide with SOI structure for Fluoride-Based Intersubband Transition Lasers","The 67th Autumn Meeting of The Jpn. Soc. of Appl. Phys",,," 30p-RE-16"," 3"," 1267",2006,Aug. "M. Asada,N. Orihashi,S. Suzuki","Experiment and Theoretical Analysis of Voltage-Controlled Sub-THz Oscillation of Resonant Tunneling Diodes",,"IEICE Trans. Electron.",,"vol. E89-C","No. 7","pp. 965-971",2006,July "Keisuke Jinen,Takeshi Kikuchi,Masahiro Watanabe,MASAHIRO ASADA","Room-Temperature Electroluminescence from a Single-Period (CdF2/CaF2) Inter-subband Quantum Cascade Structure on Si Substrate",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 45","No. 4B","pp. 3656-3658",2006,Apr. "T. Hori,T. Ozono,N. Orihashi,M. Asada","Frequency mixing characteristics of room temperature resonant tunneling diodes at 100 and 200 GHz",,"J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 99","No. 6","pp. 064508",2006,Mar. "T. Kanazawa,A. Morosawa,R. Fujii,T. Wata,M. Watanabe,M. Asada","Fluoride based Resonant Tunneling Diode on Si(100) substrate using Nanoarea Local Growth","電子情報通信学会(電子デバイス研究会)",,,"Vol. 105","No. 550"," 11-14",2006,Jan.