"K. Kasagi,N. Oshima,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Power Combination in 1 THz Resonant-Tunneling-Diode Oscillators Integrated with Patch Antennas",,"IEICE Trans. Electron.",,"vol. E98-C","no. 12","pp. 1131-1133",2015,Dec. "H. Kanaya,T. Maekawa,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Structure dependence of oscillation characteristics of resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillators associated with intrinsic and extrinsic delay times",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"vol. 54",,"p. 094103",2015,Aug. "K. Okada,K. Kasagi,N. Oshima,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Resonant-Tunneling-Diode Terahertz Oscillator Using Patch Antenna Integrated on Slot Resonator for Power Radiation",,"IEEE Trans. THz Sci. Technol.",,"vol. 5","no. 4","pp. 613-618",2015,July "M. Asada,S. Suzuki","Theoretical analysis of external feedback effect on oscillation characteristics of resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillators",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"vol. 54",,"p. 070309",2015,June "Y. Ikeda,S. Kitagawa,K. Okada,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Direct intensity modulation of resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillator up to ~30 GHz",,"IEICE Electron. Express",,"vol. 12","no. 3","p. 20141161",2015,Feb. "MASAHIRO ASADA,Safumi Suzuki","共鳴トンネルダイオードによる室温小型テラヘルツ光源",,"OPTRONICS",,,"no. 9","pp. 70-73",2015, "Ueda, Y.,Nukariya, T.,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Bandwidth measurement of terahertz detector using high electron mobility transistor by heterodyne mixing",,"IRMMW-THz 2015 - 40th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves",,,,,2015, "Kasagi, K.,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Array configuration using resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillator integrated with patch antenna",,"IRMMW-THz 2015 - 40th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves",,,,,2015, "Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Terahertz oscillators and receivers using electron devices for high-capacity wireless communication",,"Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering",,"Vol. 9483",,,2015,