"兵藤哲朗,室町泰徳","資料-2 個人選択行動モデルの最近の開発動向(社団法人交通工学研究会「やさしい非集計分析」)",,"やさしい非集計分析","丸善",,,"pp. 125-132",2001, "室町泰徳","フィリピンの交通インフラプロジェクト",,"交通工学",,"Vol. 36","No. 6","pp. 57-61",2001, "Muromachi Y.","Transport and the Environment: A review of recent studies on economic evaluation of environmental damages caused by road transport","2001 Philippine Institute of Environmental Planners National Convention","2001 Philippine Institute of Environmental Planners National Convention",,,,,2001, "Muromachi Y.","Environmental Issues in Transport Sector : A Comparative Study for Sustainable Transport in Bangkok and Tokyo","27th National Convention of Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers","27th National Convention of Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers",,,,,2001, "Furutani T.,Muromachi Y.,Harata N.,Ohta K.","Mobility for the Poor in Bangkok Metropolitan Area","Selected paper in the 54th UITP World Congress",,,,,,2001, "Kullenberg J.,Muromachi Y.,Harata N.,Ohta K.","Drivers’ En Route Handling of Travel Plans",,"Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies",," Vol.4"," No.3"," pp.83-98",2001, "Maruyama T.,Muromachi Y.,Harata N.,Ohta K.","The Combined Modal Split/Assignment Model in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area",,"Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies",," Vol.4"," No.2"," pp.293-304",2001, "Maruyama T.,Muromachi Y.,Harata N.,Ohta K.","Evaluation of Congestion Charging Policy in Tokyo Metropolitan Area by the Combined Modal Split/Assignment Model (in Japanese)",,"Proceedings of the Conference of Japan Society of Traffic Engineers",,"Vol. No.21",,"pp. 93-96",2001, "Ohmori N.,Muromachi Y.,Harata N.,Ohta K.","The Effects of Using Telecommunications on Individual Activity Schedule (in Japanese)",,"Infrastructure Planning Review",,"Vol. No.18",,"pp. 587-594",2001, "Nomura T.,Muromachi Y.,Harata N.,Ohta K.","A Study on the Holding Duration Choice of Heavy Duty Trucks in Business Establishments -An Application to the Effect Analysis of Policies about Emission Gas Restraint- (in Japanese)",,"Infrastructure Planning Review",,"Vol. No.18",,"pp. 417-424",2001, "Maruyama T.,Muromachi Y.,Harata N.,Ohta K.","Transportation Network Model regarding Connecter Costs as Random Variables and its Applications to the Railway Route and Station Choice Model (in Japanese)",,"Infrastructure Planning Review",,"Vol. No.18",,"pp. 545-552",2001, "Aono S.,Muromachi Y.,Harata N.,Ohta K.","A Development of a Computerized Travel Behavior Data Collection Method (in Japanese)",,"Infrastructure Planning Review",,"Vol. No.18",,"pp. 123-128",2001,