"Sugiyama, M.,Takeuchi, I.,Kanamori, T.,Suzuki, T.,Hachiya, H.,Okanohara, D.","Conditional density estimation via least-squares density ratio estimation.","Thirteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS2010)","In Proceedings of Thirteenth Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS2010),",,"Vol. 9",,"pp. 781-788",2010,May "Sugiyama, M.,Hara, S.,von B?nau, P.,Suzuki, T.,Kanamori, T.,Kawanabe, M.","Direct density ratio estimation with dimensionality reduction.","the 10th SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM2010)","Proceeding of the 10th SIAM International Conference on Data Mining(SDM2010)",,,,"pp. 595-606",2010,Apr. "Sugiyama, M.,Suzuki, T.,Kanamori, T.","Density ratio estimation: A comprehensive review.",,"RIMS K?ky?roku","Reserch Institute for Mathematical Sciences",,"no. xxxx","pp. xxx?xxx",2010,Mar. "Kanamori, T.,Suzuki, T.,Sugiyama, M.","Theoretical analysis of density ratio estimation.","12th Meeting of Special Interest Group on Data Mining and Statistical Mathematics","In Proceedings of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence,",,,,"pp. 65-77",2010,Mar. "Sugiyama, M.,Takeuchi, I.,Kanamori, T.,Suzuki, T.,Hachiya, H.,Okanohara, D.","Least-squares conditional density estimation.",,"IEICE Transactions on Infromation and Systems,","IEICE","Vol. E93-D","no. 3","pp. 583-594",2010, "Kanamori, T.,Suzuki, T.,Sugiyama, M.","Theoretical analysis of density ratio estimation",,"IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of ElectronicsCCommunication and Computer SciencesC",,"Vol. E-93-A","no. 4","pp. 787-798",2010, "Hido, S.,Tsuboi, Y.,Kashima, H.,Sugiyama, M.,Kanamori, T.","Statistical outlier detection using direct density ratio estimation.",,"Knowledge and Information Systems",,"Vol. xxx","no. xxx","pp. xxx?xxx",2010,