"Ichiro Hasuo,Ryo Kashima","A Proof-Theoretical Study on Logics with Constructible Falsity",,"Research Reports on Mathematical and Computing Sciences, TIT",,"Vol. C-165",,,2003, "Ryo Kashima","On Semilattice Relevant Logics",,"Mathematical Logic Quarterly",,"Vol. 49","No. 4","pp. 401-414",2003, "Katsumasa Ishii,Ryo Kashima,Kentaro Kikuchi","Sequent Calculi for Visser's Propositional Logics",,"Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic",,"Vol. 42","No. 1","pp. 1-22",2003, "Ichiro Hasuo,Ryo Kashima","Kripke Completeness of First-Order Constructive Logics with Strong Negation",,"Logic Journal of the Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics",,"Vol. 11","No. 6","pp. 615-646",2003,