"Motoshi Saeki,Shinpei Hayashi,Haruhiko Kaiya","A Tool for Attributed Goal-Oriented Requirements Analysis",,"Proceedings of the 24th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2009)",,,,"pp. 670-672",2009,Nov. "Hiroshi Kazato,Rafael Weiss,Shinpei Hayashi,Takashi Kobayashi,Motoshi Saeki","Model-View-Controller Architecture Specific Model Transformation",,"Proceedings of the 9th OOPSLA Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling (DSM 2009)",,,,"pp. 75-80",2009,Oct. "Rodion Moiseev,Shinpei Hayashi,Motoshi Saeki","Generating Assertion Code from OCL: A Transformational Approach Based on Similarities of Implementation Languages",,"Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 12th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2009)",," LNCS 5795",,"pp. 650-664",2009,Oct. "Takashi Yoshikawa,Shinpei Hayashi,Motoshi Saeki","Recovering Traceability Links between a Simple Natural Language Sentence and Source Code Using Domain Ontologies",,"Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2009)",,,,"pp. 551-554",2009,Sept. "Motoshi Saeki,Shinpei Hayashi,Haruhiko Kaiya","Tool Support for Requirements Changes in AGORA",,"ソフトウェアエンジニアリング最前線2009 - ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム2009予稿集",,,,"pp. 49-50",2009,Sept. "Katsuyuki Sekine,Teruyoshi Zenmyo,Shinpei Hayashi,Motoshi Saeki","Incremental Feature Location Using Dynamic Slicing",,"IEICE Technical Report",,"Vol. 109","No. 170","pp. 25-30",2009,Aug. "Kohei Uno,Shinpei Hayashi,Motoshi Saeki","Constructing Feature Models using Goal-Oriented Analysis",,"Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC 2009)",,,,"pp. 412-417",2009,Aug. "Rafael Weiss,Hiroshi Kazato,Shinpei Hayashi,Motoshi Saeki","Platform Independent Model Transformation based on Architectural Patterns",,"IPSJ SIG Technical Reports",,"Vol. 2009-SE-165","No. 4","pp. 1-10",2009,July "Hiroshi Kazato,Rafael Weiss,Shinpei Hayashi,Takashi Kobayashi,Motoshi Saeki","A Technique for Choosing Implementation Platforms Using Bayesian Networks",,"IPSJ SIG Technical Reports",,"Vol. 2009-SE-165","No. 3","pp. 1-8",2009,July "Motoshi Saeki,Haruhiko Kaiya","Security Requirements Elicitation Using Method Weaving and Common Criteria","MODELS 2008 Workshops","Lecture Notes in Computer Science",,"Vol. 5421",,"pp. 185-196",2009,May "Motoshi Saeki,Shinpei Hayashi,Haruhiko Kaiya","An Integrated CASE Tool for Supporting Attributed Goal-Oriented Requirements Analysis Method",,"IEICE Technical Report",,"Vol. 109","No. 40","pp. 13-18",2009,May "Takashi Yoshikawa,Shinpei Hayashi,Motoshi Saeki","Recovering Traceability Links between a NL Document and a Source Code by Using Domain Ontologies",,"IPSJ SIG Technical Reports",,"Vol. 2009","No. 31","pp. 129-136",2009,Mar. "Kinji Akemine,Teruyoshi Zenmyo,Shinpei Hayashi,Motoshi Saeki","Requirements Analysis Based on Differences between Behavioural Specifications and Reusable Implementation Structures",,"IPSJ SIG Technical Reports",,"Vol. 2009","No. 31","pp. 33-40",2009,Mar. "Kohei Uno,Shinpei Hayashi,Motoshi Saeki","Deriving Feature Models from Goal Graphs",,"IPSJ SIG Technical Reports",,"Vol. 2009","No. 31","pp. 1-8",2009,Mar. "Takeshi Obayashi,Shinpei Hayashi,Motoshi Saeki,Hiroyuki Ohta,Kengo Kinoshita","ATTED-II provides coexpressed gene networks for Arabidopsis",,"Nucleic Acids Research",,"Vol. 37"," DB issue","pp. D987-D991",2009,Jan.