"Shun-ichi Ishiuchi,Masaaki Fujii","Development of a Supercritical Fluid Jet Technique for Supersonic Jet Laser Spectroscopy of Nonvolatile and Pyrolytic Molecules",,"Chemistry Letters",,"Vol. 35","No. 9","p. 1044",2006,Aug. "Norihiro Tsuji,Shun-ichi Ishiuchi,Makoto Sakai,Masaaki Fujii,Takayuki Ebata,Christophe Jouvet,Claude Dedonder-Lardeux","Excited state hydrogen transfer in fluorophenol?ammonia clusters studied by two-color REMPI spectroscopy",,"Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.",,"Vol. 8","No. 1","pp. 114-121",2006,Jan. "Jiro Saikawa,Masaaki Fujii,Hideki Ishizuki,Takunori Taira","h52mJ narrow-bandwidth degenerated optical parametric system with a large aperture periodically poled MgO:LiNbO3h",,"Opt. Lett.",,"Vol. 31","No. 21","pp. 3149-3151",2006, "Takeshi Watanabe,Yoshinori Iketaki,Makoto Sakai,Tsutom Ohmori,Tadashi Ueda,Takaya Yamanaka,Shun-ichi Ishiuchi,Masaaki Fujii","gAnalysis of a fluorescence depletion process of Rhodamine 6G in a PMMA matrix induced by nano- and picosecond lasersh",,"Chem. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 420",,"pp. 410-415",2006, "Yoshinori Iketaki,Takeshi Watanabe,Nandor Bokor,Masaaki","gConstruction of Super-resolution microscope based on cw laser light sourceh",,"FujiiRev. Sci. Instrum.",,"Vol. 77","No. 063112-1-8",,2006, "Morihisa Saeki,Hiroshi Akagi,Masaaki Fujii","hTheoretical Study on the Structure and the Frequency of Isomers of the Naphthalene dimerh",,"J. Chem. Theory Comput.",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 1176-1183",2006, "Shun-ichi Ishiuchi,Masaaki Fujii,Timothy W. Robinson,Benjamin. J. Miller,Henrik G. Kjaergaard","gVibrational Overtone Spectroscopy of Phenol and Its Deuterated Isotopomersh,",,"J. Phys. Chem",,"Vol. 110",,"pp. 7345-7354",2006, "Akihide Hamano,Simon Pleasants,Masahito Okida,Masahide Itoh,Toyohiko Yatagai,Takeshi Watanabe,Masaaki Fujii,Yoshinori Iketaki,Kimihisa Yamamoto,Takashige Omatsu","gHighly efficient 1181 nm output from a transversely diode-pumped Nd3+ : KGd(WO4)(2) self-stimulating Raman laserh",,"Opt. Communications",,"Vol. 260","No. 2","pp. 675-679",2006,