"Katsumi Yoshida,Satoshi Kajikawa,Masamitsu Imai,Toyohiko Yano","Interfacial Control of Two-Dimensional SiC Fiber-Reinforced SiC Composites by Electrophoretic Deposition Method and Polycarbosilane Impregnation","14th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials",,,," P3-041",,2011,May "Toyohiko Yano,Tomoyuki Yamagami,Katsumi Yoshida,Masafumi Akiyoshi","Neutron-Irradiation-Induced Crystalline Defects in ƒÀ-Silicon Nitride and Their Thermal Stability","14th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials",,,," 5A-O-1",,2011,May "Wasana Khongwong,Katsumi Yoshida,Masamitsu Imai,Toyohiko Yano","A Simplified Method for Synthesis of SiC/SiO2 Core-Shell Nanowires",,"Abst. 2009 Annual Meeting of the Ceramic Society of Japan",,," 2P015","p. 167",2011,May "Toyohiko Yano,Junichi Yamane,Katsumi Yoshida,Shuhei Miwa,Masahiko Ohsaka","Low temperature liquid-phase-assisted sintering of Si3N4 ceramics as an inert matrix for confinement of minor actinides",,"IOP Conf. Series: Mater. Sci. Engineer.",,"Vol. 9",," 012024",2011,Apr. "Takashi Sawabe,Katsumi Yoshida,Toyohiko Yano","Microstructure of Heavily Neutron-Irradiated SiC after Annealing up to 1500oC",,"J. Nucl. Mater.",,"Vol. 386-388",,"pp. 333-337",2011,Apr. "Katsumi Yoshida,Sekimoto, Y.,Katayama, K.,Wasanapiarnpong, T.,Imai, M.,TOYOHIKO YANO","The effect of heat-treatment on thermal conductivity of silicon nitride ceramics",,"Key Engineering Materials",,"Vol. 484",,"pp. 52-56",2011, "Osaka, M.,Miwa, S.,Tanaka, K.,Akutsu, Y.,Ikeda, K.,Mimura, H.,Suzuki, T.,Usuki, T.,TOYOHIKO YANO","Reformation of hazardous wastes into useful supporting materials for fast reactor fuels",,"Annals of Nuclear Energy",,"Vol. 38","No. 12","pp. 2661-2666",2011, "Sawabe, T.,Akiyoshi, M.,Katsumi Yoshida,TOYOHIKO YANO","Estimation of neutron-irradiation-induced defect in 3C-SiC from change in XRD peak shift and DFT study",,"Journal of Nuclear Materials",,"Vol. 417","No. 1-3","pp. 430-434",2011, "TOYOHIKO YANO,Horie, Y.,Imai, M.,Katsumi Yoshida","Sintering of silicon carbide ceramics with co-addition of gadrinium oxide and silica and their mechanical properties",,"Key Engineering Materials",,"Vol. 484",,"pp. 117-123",2011, "Yokota, H.,Yoshida, M.,Ishibashi, H.,TOYOHIKO YANO,Yamamoto, H.,Kikkawa, S.","Cathodoluminescence of Ce-doped Gd2SiO5and Gd9.33(SiO4)6O2phosphor under continuous electron irradiation",,"Journal of Alloys and Compounds",,"Vol. 509","No. 3","pp. 800-804",2011, "Miwa, S.,Osaka, M.,Usuki, T.,TOYOHIKO YANO","Densification of magnesia-based inert matrix fuels using asbestos waste-derived materials as a sintering additive",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy",,"Vol. 53","No. 7","pp. 1045-1049",2011, "Usuki, T.,Katsumi Yoshida,TOYOHIKO YANO,Miwa, S.,Osaka, M.","Fabrication and characterization of silicon nitride-based inert matrix fuels sintered with magnesium silicates",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy",,"Vol. 53","No. 7","pp. 1078-1081",2011, "Yamazaki, S.,Katsumi Yoshida,TOYOHIKO YANO","Recovery behavior of point defects after low-dose neutron irradiation of sintered SiC by thermal diffusivity and swelling measurements",,"Journal of Nuclear Materials",,"Vol. 417","No. 1-3","pp. 425-429",2011,