"Kenji Miyashita,Katsumi Yoshida,Toyohiko Yano","Corrosion behavior of yttrium oxyfluoride ceramics in HCl and HNO3 solution","41st International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS2019)",,,,,,2019,Nov. "Thanataon Pornphatdetaudom,Katsumi Yoshida,Tohru Suzuki,Toyohiko Yano","Particle Orientation Effect on Lattice Parameter Change by Neutron Irradiation and Recovery Behavior of Aluminum Nitride","The 19th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-19)",,,,,,2019,Nov. "Muhammad Fajar,Anna Gubarevich,Ryosuke S.S. Maki,Tetsuo Uchikoshi,Tohru S. Suzuki,Toyohiko Yano,Katsumi Yoshida","Effect of Al2O3 addition on texturing in a rotating strong magnetic field and densification of B4C",,"Ceramics International",,"Vol. 45","No. 15","pp. 18222-18228",2019,Oct. "Ryosuke S.S. Maki,Muhammad Fajar,Jelena Maletaskic,Anna Gubarevich,Toyohiko Yano,Katsumi Yoshida,Tohru S. Suzuki,Tetsuo Uchikoshi","High thermal shock resistance B4C/CNT composite fabricated by hot-pressing method","The 13th Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies (PacRim13)",,,,,,2019,Oct. "Toru Tsunoura,Katsumi Yoshida,Toyohiko Yano,Takuya Aoki,Toshio Ogasawara","Oxidation mechanisms of SiC-fiber-reinforced Si eutectic alloy matrix composites at elevated temperatures",,"Journal of the American Ceramic Society",,"Vol. 102","No. 10","pp. 6309-6321",2019,Oct. "M. FAJAR,A. GUBAREVICH,Tohru SUZUKI,Toyohiko YANO,Katsumi YOSHIDA","Processing and Properties of Textured Boron Carbide Ceramic with Alumina Additive","The 13th Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies",,,,,,2019,Oct. "Katsumi Yoshida,Mayuko Kasakura,Ryo Shirata,Takashi Ajito Takashi,Toyohiko Yano,Masaki Kotani","Mechanical Properties of SiCf/SiC Composites with BN Interphase Formed by Electrophoretic Deposition","10th International Conference on High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites (HT-CMC10)",,,,,,2019,Sept. "Katsumi Yoshida,Chin-Chet See,Anna V. Gubarevich,Toyohiko Yano","Effects of aluminum, boron and carbon additives on microstructure of porous silicon carbide ceramics and their properties",,"Materials Today: Proceedings",,"Vol. 16","# 1","pp. 65-71",2019,Aug. "Ryosuke Maki,Muhammad Fajar,Jelena Maletaskic,Anna V. Gubarevich,Katsumi Yoshida,Toyohiko Yano,Tohru S. Suzuki,Tetsuo Uchikoshi","Evaluation of thermal shock fracture resistance of B4C/CNT composites with a high-frequency induction-heating furnace",,"Materials Today: Proceedings",,"Vol. 16","# 1","pp. 137-143",2019,Aug. "Branko Matovi?,Jelena Maleta?ki?,Katsumi Yoshida,Toyohiko Yano","Synthesis, characterization and sintering of fluorite and pyrochlore-type compounds: Pr2Zr2O7, Sm2Zr2O7 and PrSmZr2O7",,"Materials Today: Proceedings",,"Vol. 16","# 1","pp. 156-162",2019,Aug. "Anna V.Gubarevich,Riki Tamura,J. Maletaskic,Katsumi Yoshida,Toyohiko Yano","Effect of aluminium addition on yield and microstructure of Ti3SiC2 prepared by combustion synthesis method",,"Materials Today: Proceedings",,"Vol. 16"," 1","pp. 102-108",2019,Aug. "Toru Tsunoura,Katsumi Yoshida,Toyohiko Yano,Takuya Aoki,Toshio Ogasawara","High temperature bending behavior of polycrystalline Si and SiC particle-reinforced Si matrix composites",,"Materials Today; Proceedings",,"Vol. 16","# 1","pp. 78-87",2019,Aug. "Jelena Maletaskic,Jelena Lukovic,Katsumi Yoshida,Toyohiko Yano,Ryosuke S.S. Maki,Anna V. Gubarevich,Branko Matovic","High-temperature synthesis and characterization of boron suboxide (B6O) and boron containing hard materials",,"Materials Today: Proceedings",,"Vol. 16"," 1","pp. 95-101",2019,Aug. "Thanataon Pornphatdetaudom,Katsumi Yoshida,Tohru S. Suzuki,Toyohiko Yano","Effect of Particle Orientation on Lattice Parameter and Recovery Changes in Aluminum Nitride","The Eleventh International Conference on the Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC-11)",,,,,,2019,July "Muhammad Fajar,Tohru S. Suzuki,Katsumi Yoshida,Toyohiko Yano,Anna Gubarevich","Study of Al2O3 addition effect on densification of B4C textured using rotating strong magnetic field by slip-casting","The 11th International Conference on the Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC-11)",,,,," 2a-401-05",2019,July "Ryosuke S.S. Maki,Muhammad Fajar,Jelena Maletaskic,Anna Gubarevich,Tatsuya Katabuchi,Toyohiko Yano,Katsumi Yoshida,Tohru S. Suzuki,Tetsuo Uchikoshi","Release Behavior of Helium Gas in the He-Implanted Highly Microstructure-Controlled B4C-based Ceramic Neutron Absorber","The 11th International Conference on the Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC-11)",,,,," 2P-09",2019,July "Riku Akatsu,Toru Tsunoura,Katsumi Yoshida,Toyohiko Yano,Yukio Kishi","Densification Behavior of Yttrium Oxyfluoride Ceramics by Rate Controlled Sintering and Their Mechanical Properties",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 58",," SEEG02",2019,June "Kenji Miyashita,Toru Tsunoura,Katsumi Yoshida,Toyohiko Yano,Yukio Kishi","Fluorine and oxygen plasma exposure behavior of yttrium oxyfluoride ceramics",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 58",," SEEC01",2019,June "Toru Tsunoura,Katsumi Yoshida,Toyohiko Yano,Takuya Aoki,Toshio Ogasawara","Fabrication and bending behavior of amorphous SiC-fiber-reinforced Si-Co eutectic alloy composites at elevated temperatures",,"Composites Part B",,"Vol. 164",,"pp. 769-777",2019,May "Yuhao Jin,Katsumi Yoshida,Zhengcao Li,Desheng Ai,Tadashi Maruyama,Toyohiko Yano","Investigation of kinetic recovery process in low dose neutron-irradiated nuclear graphite by thermal annealing",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 56","No. 6","pp. 533-540",2019,Apr. "S.S. Ryosuke Maki,Muhammad Fajar,Jelena Maletaskic,Anna Gubarevich,Tatsuya Katabuchi,TOYOHIKO YANO,Katsumi Yoshida,S. Tohru Suzuki,Tetsuo Uchikoshi","高速炉の安全性向上のための高次構造制御セラミック制御材の開発 (2) カーボンナノチューブ添加B4C基セラミック制御材の創製及びヘリウム照射試験","日本原子力学会 2019年春の年会",,,,,,2019,Mar. "Thanataon Pornphatdetaudom,Katsumi Yoshida,Toyohiko Yano,Tohru S. Suzuki","Lattice Parameter Change of Highly Oriented Aluminum Nitride by Neutron Irradiation","日本原子力学会関東・甲越支部 第12回学生研究発表会",,,,," B02",2019,Mar. "Muhammad Fajar,Tohru S. Suzuki,Anna Gubarevich,Toyohiko Yano,Katsumi Yoshida","Investigation of crystallographic orientation of boron carbide fabricated in high magnetic field for improvement of fast breeder reactor","日本原子力学会関東・甲越支部 第12回学生研究発表会",,,,," B05",2019,Mar. "Toru Tsunoura,Katsumi Yoshida,TOYOHIKO YANO,Naoki Hayama,Takaya Sawahiraki,Takuya Aoki,Toshio Ogasawara","溶融含浸法による一方向SiC繊維強化複合材料の引張試験片の作製","日本セラミックス協会2019年年会",,,,," 2K07",2019,Mar. "S.S. Ryosuke Maki,Muhammad Fajar,Jelena Maletaskic,Anna Gubarevich,Katsumi Yoshida,TOYOHIKO YANO,S. Tohru Suzuki,Tetsuo Uchikoshi","熱衝撃試験によるB4C基セラミック制御材の残存強度評価","日本セラミックス協会2019年年会",,,,," 3K19",2019,Mar. "Anna Gubarevich,Toyohiko Yano,Katsumi Yoshida","Combustion Synthesis of MAX Phases for Accident-Tolerant Fuels",,"Bulletin of the Laboratory for Advanced Nuclear Energy, Tokyo Institute of Technology",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 37-39",2019,Feb. "Katsumi Yoshida,Toru Tsunoura,Anna Gubarevich,Toyohiko Yano","Characterization and Fluorine-Plasma Exposure Behavior of Dense Yttrium Oxyfluoride Ceramics",,"Bulletin of the Laboratory for Advanced Nuclear Energy, Tokyo Institute of Technology",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 34-36",2019,Feb. "Toru Tsunoura,Katsumi Yoshida,Toyohiko Yano,Takuya Aoki,Toshio Ogasawara","Fabrication of SiC/silicides composites by melt infiltration method","43rd International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites",,,,," ICACC-S1-026-2019",2019,Jan. "Toru Tsunoura,Kenji Miyashita,Ryuki Tahara,Katsumi Yoshida,Toyohiko Yano","Fabrication and plasma corrosion behavior of yttrium oxyfluoride ceramics","43rd International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites",,,,," ICACC-CYIF-P001-2019",2019,Jan. "Toru Tsunoura,Katsumi Yoshida,Toyohiko Yano,Takuya Aoki,Toshio Ogasawara","Oxidation behavior of HfSi2 with boron addition","43rd International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites",,,,," ICACC-S1-003-2019",2019,Jan.