"Hiroto Jitsukawa,Hiroki Oura,渡辺雄貴","高等学校における学習方略の深い使用を促すKBCPフレームワークを用いた授業設計の検討","日本教育工学会 2022年秋季全国大会 (第41回大会)","日本教育工学会 2022年秋季全国大会 (第41回大会)要旨集","日本教育工学会",,,,2022,Sept. "Hiroto JITSUKAWA,Hiroki Oura,Yuki Watanabe","The Effects of Instructional Design with the KBCP Framework to Promote Using Learning Strategies for High School Students","the International Conference for Media in Education 2022","Proceedings of the International Conference for Media in Education 2022","International Conference for Media in Education",,,,2022,Aug. "Jacqueline Urakami,Yeongdae Kim,Hiroki Oura,Katie Seaborn","Finding strategies against misinformation in social media: A qualitative study","2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems","Extended Abstracts of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems","ACM",,,,2022,Apr. "Takane Ueno,Yuto Sawa,Yeongdae Kim,Jacqueline Urakami,Hiroki Oura,Katie Seaborn","Trust in human-AI interaction: Scoping out models, measures, and methods","2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems","Extended Abstracts of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems","ACM",,,,2022,Apr.