"Hiroki Kuroda,Masao Yamagishi,Isao Yamada","A Robust Adaptive Learning of Saturation Nonlinearity in Acoustic Echo Cancellation","IEICE SIP Symposium 2013","Proceedings of IEICE SIP Symposium 2013",,,,,2013,Nov. "Masao Yamagishi,Masahiro Yukawa,Isao Yamada","Shrinkage tuning based on an unbiased MSE estimate for the sparsity-aware adaptive proximal forward-backward splitting","IEICE SIP Symposium 2013","Proceedings of IEICE SIP Symposium 2013",,,,,2013,Nov. "Katsuhiro Toyokawa,Shunsuke Ono,Masao Yamagishi,Isao Yamada","Detecting Reflection Edges from a Single Image via Redundant Color Information","IEICE SIP Symposium 2013","Proceedings of IEICE SIP Symposium 2013",,,,,2013,Nov. "Masao Yamagishi,Shunsuke Ono","凸然わかる凸最適化","第28回信号処理シンポジウム","若手研究者のための信号処理ワークショップ チュートリアル講演",," 予稿なし",,,2013,Nov. "Naoki Tomida,Masao Yamagishi,Isao Yamada,Toshihisa Tanaka","A Reduced Rank Estimation of Covariance Matrices for EEG Classification","IEICE SIP Symposium 2013","Proceedings of IEICE SIP Symposium 2013",,,,,2013,Nov. "Hiroki Kuroda,Shunsuke Ono,Masao Yamagishi,Isao Yamada","Exploiting Group Sparsity in Nonlinear Acoustic Echo Cancellation by Adaptive Proximal Forward-Backward Splitting",,"IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals",,"vol. E96-A","no. 10","pp. 1918-1927",2013,Oct. "Shunsuke Ono,Masao Yamagishi,Isao Yamada","A Sparse System Identification by Using Adaptively-Weighted Total Variation via A Primal-Dual Splitting Approach","IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2013","Proceedings of IEEE ICASSP2013",,,,"pp. 6029-6033",2013,May "Katsuhiro Toyokawa,Shunsuke Ono,Masao Yamagishi,Isao Yamada","Detecting Reflection from Single Image Based on Nuclear Norm Minimization","IEICE Technical Workshop on Signal Processing","IEICE Technical Report","IEICE","Vol. 113","No. 26","pp. 169-173",2013,May "Masao Yamagishi,ISAO YAMADA","Sparsity-Aware Feed-Forward Active Noise Control with the Adaptive Douglas-Rachford Splitting","IEICE Technical Workshop on Signal Processing","Technical Report","IEICE","Vol. 113","No. 27","pp. 151-156",2013,May "Masao Yamagishi,Isao Yamada","A RANK SELECTION OF MV-PURE WITH AN UNBIASED PREDICTED-MSE CRITERION AND ITS EFFICIENT IMPLEMENTATION IN IMAGE RESTORATION","IEEE ICASSP2013","Proceedings of IEEE ICASSP2013",,,,,2013,May "Masao Yamagishi,Isao Yamada","Exploiting Sparsity in Feed-Forward Active Noise Control with Adaptive Douglas-Rachford Splitting","APSIPA ASC 2013",,,,,,2013,