"Isao Yamada,Wataru Yata,Masao Yamagishi","A constrained LiGME model for sparsity-rank aware least squares estimation problems","A workshop on optimization and operator theory dedicated to Prof. Lev Bregman",,,,,,2021,Nov. "Shoma Uchiyama,Masao Yamagishi,ISAO YAMADA","核ノルムのLiGME正則化を用いたテンソル補完に関する一考察","SIP Symposium 2021","第36回信号処理シンポジウム講演論文集","電子情報通信学会",,,,2021,Nov. "Wataru Yata,Masao Yamagishi,Isao Yamada","A Constrained Linearly Involved Generalized Moreau Enhanced Model and Its Proximal Splitting Algorithm","2021 IEEE 31st International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP)","Proc. IEEE MLSP 2021",,,,,2021,Oct. "Yang Chen,Masao Yamagishi,Isao Yamada","A Linearly Involved Generalized Moreau Enhancement of ?2,1-Norm with Application to Weighted Group Sparse Classification",,"Algorithms","MDPI","vol. 14","no. 11"," 312",2021,Oct. "Ryota Komatsu,Masao Yamagishi,Isao Yamada","A GRAPH REGULARIZED RPCA BY GENERALIZED MOREAU ENHANCED MODEL","29th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2021",,,,,,2021,Aug. "Yang Chen,Masao Yamagishi,Isao Yamada","A GENERALIZED MOREAU ENHANCEMENT OF L2,1-NORM AND ITS APPLICATION TO GROUP SPARSE CLASSIFICATION","29th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2021",,,,,,2021,Aug. "Riku Akema,Masao Yamagishi,Isao Yamada","Approximate Simultaneous Diagonalization of Matrices via Structured Low-Rank Approximation",,"the IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals",,"vol. E104-A","no. 4",,2021,Apr. "Isao Yamada,Masao Yamagishi","A pair of fixed point strategies with proximal splitting operators for unified applications to certain inverse problems in data science.","Joint Mathematics Meetings (AMS Special Session on "Interactions of Inverse Problems, Computational Harmonic Analysis, and Imaging")",,,,,,2021,Jan. "Riku Akema,Masao Yamagishi,IsaoYamada","Approximate-Then-Diagonalize-Simultaneously Algorithm and Tensor CP Decomposition","第33回 回路とシステムワークショップ (電子情報通信学会)",,,,,,2021,