"Hikaru Tanaka,Keisuke Matsukawa,Cheng Yi,Winarto Kurniawan,Nobuaki Otsuki,Hirofumi Hinode","CHARACTERISTICS OF SEAWATER-MIXED CONCRETE MADE OF CEMENT WITH VARIOUS REPLACEMENT RATIO OF FLY ASH","2016 Seminar Workshop on the Utilization of Waste Materials","Seminar Workshop on the Utilization of Waste Materials",,,," A6",2016,Sept. "A. K. Min,M. Iwanami,N. Otsuki,K. Matsukawa,Y. Yoshida","Study on construction performance and durability of seawater mixed anti-washout concrete in cold environment","41st Conference on Our World in Concrete & Structures,","Proceedings of the 41st Conference on Our World in Concrete & Structures, Singapore,",,,,,2016,Aug.