"Kazuhiko Narita,Yuki Terazawa,Ko Maehara,Yuichi Matzuoka,Ryota Matsui,Toru Takeuchi","Dynamic Loading Tests and Response Evaluation of Steel Roof Bearings with Friction Dampers",,"J. Struct Constr.Enj. AIJ",,"Vol. 80","No. 717","pp. 1717-1725",2015,Nov. "Yuki Terazawa,Ryota Matsui,Shunji Urui,Toru Takeuchi","ブレースおよび梁端部破断を考慮した鋼構造骨組の耐震性能 その1 解析概要および部材破断後の骨組挙動","2015年度 日本建築学会大会(関東)","日本建築学会学術講演梗概集 C-1分冊 構造III","日本建築学会",,,"pp. 1191-1192",2015,Sept. "Yuki Terazawa,Toru Takeuchi,Kazuhiko Narita,Ryota Matsui,Ko Maehara","Damage Control of Composite Gymnasium Structures with Energy-Dissipation Roof Bearings","The 8th International Conference on Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas (STESSA'15)","Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas",,,,,2015,July "Yuki Terazawa,Toru Takeuchi,Kazuhiko Narita,Ryota Matsui","Response Control of cantilevered RC Walls in Gymnasia with Energy-dissipation Bearings","The 11th Asian Pacific Conference on Shell and Spatial Structures (11th APCS)","Proceedings of The 11th Asian Pacific Conference on Shell and Spatial Structures",,,,,2015,May "Kazuhiko Narita,Yuki Terazawa,Ryota Matsui,Toru Takeuchi","Response Control of Cantilevered RC Walls in Gymnasia with Energy-Dissipation Roof Bearings",,"J. Struct Constr.Enj. AIJ",,"Vol. 80","No. 707","pp. 157-165",2015,Jan.