"今村 壮輔,Sousuke Imamura","原始紅藻”シゾン”からユニークな情報を発信するー植物特異的な基本転写装置の解析ー",,,,,,,2007,Aug. "Sousuke Imamura","原始紅藻”シゾン”からユニークな情報を発信するー植物特異的な基本転写装置の解析ー","茨城大学・若手研究者セミナー",,,,,,2007,Aug. "Masae Matsui, Tsutomu Yoshimura, Yuko Wakabayashi, Sousuke Imamura, Kan Tanaka, Hideo Takahashi, Munehiko Asayama, Makoto Shirai","Interference Expression at Levels of the Transcript and Protein among Group 1 , 2 , and 3 Sigma Factor Genes in a Cyanobacterium",,,,,,,2007, "Kubota, Yoshiki,Miyao, Akio,Hirochika, Hirohiko,Tozawa, Yuzuru,Yasuda, Hiroyuki,Tsunoyama, Yuichi,Niwa, Yasuo,Imamura, Sousuke,Shirai, Makoto,Asayama, Munehiko,Sousuke Imamura","Two novel nuclear genes, OsSIG5 and OsSIG6, encoding potential plastid sigma factors of RNA polymerase in rice: Tissue-specific and light-responsive gene expression",,"Plant and Cell Physiology",,"Vol. 48",,"pp. 186-192",2007, "Masae Matsui, Tsutomu Yoshimura, Yuko Wakabayashi, Sousuke Imamura, Kan Tanaka, Hideo Takahashi, Munehiko Asayama, Makoto Shirai","Interference Expression at Levels of the Transcript and Protein among Group 1 , 2 , and 3 Sigma Factor Genes in a Cyanobacterium",,,,,,,2007, "Yoshimura, Tsutomu,Imamura, Sousuke,Kan Tanaka,Shirai, Makoto,Asayama, Munehiko,Sousuke Imamura","Cooperation of group 2 ?? factors, SigD and SigE for light-induced transcription in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803",,"FEBS Letters",,"Vol. 581",,"pp. 1495-1500",2007,