"Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Shinya HANAOKA,Dhrubo ALAM","Operation and trip characteristics of paratransit in Khulna City, Bangladesh","第54回土木計画学研究発表会","Proceedings of Infrastructure Planning",,"Vol. 54",,,2016,Nov. "Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Shinya HANAOKA,Jianxin GUAN","Estimation and reduction measures of CO2 emissions by household expenditures in each province of China",,"Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers G",,"Vol. 72","No. 6","pp. II95-II106",2016,Oct. "Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Tianzi LU,Shinya HANAOKA","The transition of residential zone types and travel behavior in metropolitan and local area in Japan","第53回土木計画学研究発表会","Proceedings of Infrastructure Planning",,"Vol. 53",,,2016,May "Kumiko Nakamichi","第5章 アジアでの運輸部門の二酸化炭素排出量増加要因分析",,"現代アジアにおける都市交通政策に関する研究, 日交研シリーズ, A-640, 公益社団法人日本交通政策研究会",,,,"pp. 19-22",2016,Mar. "Hajime SEYA,Kumiko NAKAMICHI,Yoshiki YAMAGATA","The residential parking rent price elasticity of car ownership in Japan",,"Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice",,"Vol. 85",,"pp. 123?134",2016,Mar. "Nakamichi, K.,Hanaoka, S.,Kawahara, Y.","Estimation of cost and CO2 emissions with a sustainable cross-border supply chain in the automobile industry: A case study of Thailand and neighboring countries",,"Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment",,"Vol. 43",,"pp. 158-168",2016,Mar.