"S. Katayama,H. Hayashi,F. Oba,I. Tanaka","Epitaxial growth and characterization of rocksalt ZnO thin films with low-level NiO alloying",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,"vol. 50",,"pp. 075503",2011,July "H. Akamatsu,Y. Kumagai,F. Oba,K. Fujita,H. Murakami,K. Tanaka,I. Tanaka","Antiferromagnetic superexchange via 3d states of titanium in EuTiO3 as seen from hybrid Hartree-Fock density functional calculations",,"Physical Review B",,"vol. 83",,"pp. 214421-1-6",2011,June "M. Choi,F. Oba,I. Tanaka","Hybrid density functional study of oxygen vacancies in KTaO3 and NaTaO3",,"Physical Review B",,"vol. 83",,"pp. 214107",2011,June "F. Oba,M. Choi,A. Togo,I. Tanaka","Point defects in ZnO: An approach from first principles",,"Science and Technology of Advanced Materials",,"vol. 12",,"pp. 034302",2011,May "M. Choi,F. Oba,I. Tanaka","Electronic and structural properties of the oxygen vacancy in BaTiO3",,"Applied Physics Letters",,"vol. 98",,"pp. 172901-1-3",2011,Apr. "H. Hayashi,R. Huang,F. Oba,T. Hirayama,I. Tanaka","Epitaxial growth of Mn-doped ƒÁ-Ga2O3 on spinel substrate",,"Journal of Materials Research",,"vol. 26",,"pp. 578-583",2011,Feb. "H. Hayashi,R. Huang,F. Oba,T. Hirayama,I. Tanaka","Atomistic structure and energetics of interface between Mn-doped ƒÁ-Ga2O3 and MgAl2O4",,"Journal of Materials Science",,"vol. 46",,"pp. 4169-4175",2011,Jan.