"Yudai Hirashima,Daiki Sato,Yoshiyuki Fugo,Tetsuro Tamura","Study on torsional response behavior of two connected seismic isolated high-rise buildings based on strong wind observation records Part2 Analysis of translational / torsional behavior and a proposal of perceptual probability evaluation method considering torsion component","日本建築学会大会(東海)学術講演会","日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集","Architectural Institute of Japan",,,"pp. 89-90",2021,Sept. "Sono Yanagiya,Yudai Hirashima,Daiki Sato,Yoshiyuki Fugo,Tetsuro Tamura","Study on torsional response behavior of two connected seismic isolated high-rise buildings based on strong wind observation records Part 1 Overview of strong wind records and analysis of acceleration records","日本建築学会大会(東海)学術講演会","日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集","Architectural Institute of Japan",,,"pp. 87-88",2021,Sept. "Yudai Hirashima,Daiki Sato,Yoshiyuki Fugo,Tetsuro Tamura","ANALYSIS OF ACCELERATION PEAK FACTOR OF BASE ? ISOLATED HIGH ? RISE BUILDING BASED ON WIND OBSERVATION RECORDS",,"AIJ Journal of Technology and Design","Architectural Institute of Japan","Vol. 27","No. 66","pp. 650-655",2021,June "Yudai Hirashima,Daiki Sato,Yoshiyuki Fugo,Tetsuro Tamura","Wind-induced torsional vibration of base-isolated high-rise building: Analysis using 3D building model","2020年度第91回日本建築学会関東支部研究発表会","日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集","Architectural Institute of Japan"," ?",,"pp. 365-368",2021,Mar. "Yudai Hirashima,Daiki Sato,Yoshiyuki Fugo,Tetsuro Tamura","Non-stationarity of acceleration response records of base-isolated high-rise building during strong winds Part.2 Relationship between the dynamic characteristics of wind and the nonstationary acceleration response of building","2020年度第91回日本建築学会関東支部研究発表会","日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集","Architectural Institute of Japan"," ?",,"pp. 337-340",2021,Mar. "Yudai Hirashima,Daiki Sato,Yoshiyuki Fugo,Tetsuro Tamura","Non-stationarity of acceleration response records of base-isolated high-rise building during strong winds Part.1 Effect of surrounding terrain and buildings on the dynamic characteristics of wind speed on the top of the building","2020年度第91回日本建築学会関東支部研究発表会","日本建築学会関東支部研究報告集","Architectural Institute of Japan"," ?",,"pp. 333-336",2021,Mar.