"山本陽光,Takefumi Kanda,Shuichi Wakimoto,Koichi Suzumori,Hiroyuki Nabae,Takahiro Ukida","微粒子励振型制御三方弁を用いたシリンダの速度制御","The 20th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference (SI2019)","Proceedings of the 20th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference","The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers",,,"pp. 2752-2753",2019,Dec. "Hiroyuki Nabae,Asuka Ishiki,Tetsuya Horiuchi,Kinji Asaka,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori","Frequency Response of Honeycomb Structured IPMC Actuator Fabricated through 3D Printing with Dispersion Liquid","2019 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science","Proceedings of 2019 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science",,,,"pp. 88-89",2019,Dec. "Koichi Suzumori","科研費新学術領域「ソフトロボット学」",,"システム/制御/情報(システム制御情報学会誌)",,"Vol. 63","No. 12","pp. 1-6",2019,Dec. "Shuhei Tsunoda,Hiroyuki Nabae,Koichi Suzumori,Gen Endo","A Leg Mechanism using Bundled Wire Drive","The 20th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference (SI2019)","Proceedings of the 20th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference","The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers",,,"pp. 2617-2618",2019,Dec. "Hiroki Kanazawa,Hiroyuki Nabae,Koichi Suzumori,Gen Endo","Fundamental Study for Robot Arm made of 3D printed Fiber Reinforced Plastics","The 20th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference (SI2019)","Proceedings of the 20th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference","The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers",,,"pp. 2440-2441",2019,Dec. "Hiroyuki Nabae,Akio Kodaira,Tetsuya Horiuchi,Kinji Asaka,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori","Soft Polymer-Electrolyte-Fuel-Cell Tube Realizing Air-Hose-Free Thin McKibben Muscles","2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2019)","Proceedings of 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems",,,,"pp. 8281-8287",2019,Nov. "Koichi Suzumori","解説:タフロボット用油圧アクチュエータ",,"日本ロボット学会誌",,"Vol. 37","No. 9","pp. 59-64",2019,Nov. "Koichi Suzumori","ソフトアクチュエータの基礎","ソフトアクチュエータの基礎と最新応用事例",,,,,,2019,Nov. "Shoichiro Koizumi,Shunichi Kurumaya,Hiroyuki Nabae,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori","Recurrent Braiding of Thin McKibben Muscles to Overcome Their Limitation of Contraction",,"Soft Robotics",,"Vol. 7","No. 2","pp. 251-258",2019,Nov. "Koichi Suzumori","空圧ラバーアクチュエータ",,"計測と制御 = Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers",,"Vol. 58","No. 10","pp. 755-760",2019,Oct. "多田隈建二朗,Koichi Suzumori","ソフトロボット機構における温故知新",,"計測と制御 = Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers",,"Vol. 58","No. 10","pp. 743-744",2019,Oct. "Koichi Suzumori","ソフトロボット学が実現するE-kagen人工物","「細胞を創る」研究会12.0",,,,,,2019,Oct. "Hikaru Yamamoto,Takefumi Kanda,Shuichi Wakimoto,Koichi Suzumori,Takahiro Ukida,Hiroyuki Nabae","Control of a hydraulic cylinder by a particle excitation type three way valve","International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications in Actuators 2019 & ENHANCE Workshop (IWPMA2019)",,,,,"pp. 241-242",2019,Oct. "Koichi Suzumori","ソフトロボット学とは","第2回ソフトロボット創世シンポジウム",,,,,,2019,Sept. "?見春人,Takefumi Kanda,Shuichi Wakimoto,山本陽光,Koichi Suzumori,Takahiro Ukida,Hiroyuki Nabae","微粒子励振型制御弁の流量特性改善に関する研究","2019年度精密工学会秋季大会",,,,,"pp. 346-347",2019,Sept. "Koichi Suzumori","ソフトロボット学","日本機械学会2019年度年次大会",,,,"No. 19-1",,2019,Sept. "高田 諒,Shuichi Wakimoto,Takefumi Kanda,Koichi Suzumori","細径人工筋による平紐型集積構造の提案と特性評価","The 37th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan","Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan","The Robotics Society of Japan",,,,2019,Sept. "Asuka Ishiki,Koichi Suzumori,Hiroyuki Nabae,Gen Endo,Kinji Asaka,Tetsuya Horiuchi","イオン交換樹脂分散液の3DプリンティングによるIPMCソフトマイクロロボットの成形","The 37th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan","Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan","The Robotics Society of Japan",,,,2019,Sept. "Kosuke Tani,Hiroyuki Nabae,Yohta Yamamoto,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori","流路自動切り替え型自励振動空圧アクチュエータの提案と試作","The 37th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan","Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan","The Robotics Society of Japan",,,,2019,Sept. "Yuta Yamanaka,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori,Hiroyuki Nabae","食品の高速搬送を目的とした面構造を有するソフトロボットハンドの提案","The 37th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan","Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan","The Robotics Society of Japan",,,,2019,Sept. "Atsuhiko Niikura,Hiroyuki Nabae,Gen Endo,Gunji Megu,Kento Mori,Ryuma Niiyama,Koichi Suzumori","解剖学知見に基づくキリン首模擬機構の試作","The 37th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan","Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan","The Robotics Society of Japan",,,,2019,Sept. "Koichi Suzumori","フルードパワーの挑戦 ロボット用油圧アクチュエータの開発と,H-MUSCLE社の設立",,"フルードパワー",,"Vol. 33","No. 3","pp. 22-27",2019,July "Koichi Suzumori","Soft Robotics as E-kagen Science","The IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2019)",,,,,,2019,July "Yusuke Ueno,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori,Hiroyuki Nabae,Tetsuo Hagiwara","Development of Super Long Reach Articulated Manipulator with Weight Compensation and Joint Drive by Thrusters-A Study on Compensation Method of Moment around Longitudinal Axis of the Manipulator-","2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2019,June "Hiroshi Yoshinada,横小路泰義,永谷圭司,昆陽雅司,淺間 一,山下 淳,Koichi Suzumori,Masayuki Tanaka,大道武生,芦澤怜史,石上玄也,尾崎伸吾,田所 諭","ImPACTタフ・ロボティクス・チャレンジ建設ロボット","2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2019,June "?橋宣裕,Shunichi Kurumaya,Koichi Suzumori,Hideki Koike","SENSE-ROID TYPE-S: Haptic Recording/Playback Wears","2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2019,June "Tatsuhiro Hiramitsu,Koichi Suzumori,Hiroyuki Nabae,Gen Endo","細径McKibben人工筋肉を用いた能動織布の湾曲力特性","2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2019,June "Morizo Hemmi,Ryusuke Morita,Akina Yamamoto,Atsushi Inoue,Yoshiharu Hirota,Hiroyuki Nabae,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori","Development of Hydraulic Tough 7-axis Robotic Arm and Evaluation of Shock Resistance","2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2019,June "Shunichi Kurumaya,Koichi Suzumori,Hiroyuki Nabae,Gen Endo","Compliance characteristics of Musculoskeletal foot with Thin Mckibben Muscles","2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2019,June "Tatsuhiro Hiramitsu,Koichi Suzumori,Hiroyuki Nabae,Gen Endo","Deformations of Active Textile using Thin McKibben muscles","2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2019,June "Toshiki Kimura,Atsushi Inoue,Hiroyuki Nabae,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori","Experimental Verification on Energy Efficiency of Multi-channel EHA","2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2019,June "Akio Kodaira,安積欣志,堀内哲也,Hiroyuki Nabae,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori","Soft PEFC tube driving Thin Mckibben Muscle","2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2019,June "Shunichi Kurumaya,Hiroyuki Nabae,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori","Prototype of Musculoskeletal Trunk with Thin Mckibben Muscles","2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2019,June "Atsushi Takata,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori,Hiroyuki Nabae","Positioning Accuracy of a Super Long-reach Coupled Tendon-driven Manipulator “Super Dragon”","2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2019,June "Tomoki Abe,Shoichiro Koizumi,Hiroyuki Nabae,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori,佐藤菜緒,足立美智子,?見澤 ふみ","Evaluation of Soft Power Support Suit for Upper Limbs Using ‘18 Weave’ Muscles","2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2019,June "Kensho Hosokawa,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori,Hiroyuki Nabae","Proposal of detachable 2-DoF tail mechanism for rough terrain mobile robots","2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2019,June "Zhenyu Wang,Masashi Takahashi,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori,Hiroyuki Nabae,Hideharu Takahashi,Hiroshige Kikura","Empirical Evaluation on the Localization Accuracy of Visual Odometry on the Gratings for PCV Internal Investigation","2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2019,June "Koichi Ikeda,Hiroyuki Nabae,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori","Experimental Verification of Lift Force of Small Flying Robot using Self-Excited Electrostatic Actuator","2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2019,June "Yuta Yamanaka,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori,Hiroyuki Nabae","Development of a Food Handling Soft Robot Hand for a High-speed Pick-and-place Task","2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2019,June "Youki Wakabayashi,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori,Hiroyuki Nabae","A Development of Long-Reach and Lightweight Robot Arm Using Bundled Wire Drive","2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2019,June "Sarin Kittisares,Hiroyuki Nabae,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori","Knee Support Device with Polycentric Joint Mechanism Driven by Bundled Thin Soft Muscles","2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2019,June "Akio Kodaira,Kinji Asaka,堀内 哲也,Hiroyuki Nabae,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori","Swimming IPMC thin film soft robot fabricated through malti-layer casting process","2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2019,June "Shoichiro Koizumi,Te-Hsin Chang,Hiroyuki Nabae,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori,Motoki Mita,Kimio Saito,Kazutoshi Hatakeyama,Satoaki Chida,Yoichi Shimada","Prototype of Hand Rehabilitation Glove with Thin McKibben Muscles","2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2019,June "Shoichiro Koizumi,Shunichi Kurumaya,Hiroyuki Nabae,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori","Recurrent Braiding of Thin McKibben Muscles to Improve Their Contracting Abilities","2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2019,June "Atsushi Ogawa,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori,Hiroyuki Nabae","A Proposal of off-road Mobile Robot with Elastic Telescopic Arm Study of Accuracy of Arm Tip Position Control by Tendon Drive","2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2019,June "Kosuke Tani,Morizo Hemmi,Yoshiharu Hirota,Hiroyuki Nabae,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori","Shock-resistant Leg Using a Newly Developed Hydraulic Cylinder for Tough Robots","2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2019,June "Te-Hsin Chang,Shoichiro Koizumi,Tatsuhiro Hiramitsu,Shunichi Kurumaya,Tomoki Abe,Hiroyuki Nabae,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori,Kazutoshi Hatakeyama,Satoaki Chida,Yoichi Shimada","Developement of a Wearable Multi Direction Ankle Exercise Device for DVT Prevention","2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2019,June "Koichi Suzumori","Soft Robotics as E-kagen Science","Science and Systems (RSS 2019)",,,,,,2019,June "Tomoya Nakamura,Ide Tohru,Kensei Saito,Hiroyuki Nabae,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori","Development of thin Hydraulic McKibben Muscle and Application of Active Textile Woven","2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2019,June "Kensei Saito,Tomoya Nakamura,Tohru Ide,Hiroyuki Nabae,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori","Prototype Research of Superman Glove with Thin Hydraulic Artificial Muscles","2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2019,June "山本陽光,橋本航,Takefumi Kanda,Shuichi Wakimoto,Norihisa Seno,森重佳久,高見春人,Koichi Suzumori,Takahiro Ukida,Hiroyuki Nabae","Evaluation of Flow Control Valve using Particle Excitation for High Pressure Artificial Muscle","2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","Proceedings of the 2019 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics","The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2019,June "Akio Kodaira,Kinji Asaka,Tetsuya Horiuchi,Gen Endo,Hiroyuki Nabae,Koichi Suzumori","IPMC Monolithic Thin Film Robots Fabricated Through a Multi-Layer Casting Process","2019 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2019)","IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RAL)","IEEE",,,,2019,May "Gen Endo,Youki Wakabayashi,Hiroyuki Nabae,Koichi Suzumori","Bundled Wire Drive: Proposal and Feasibility Study of a Novel Tendon-Driven Mechanism Using Synthetic Fiber Ropes","2019 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2019)","IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RAL)","IEEE","Vol. 4"," Issue 2","pp. 966 - 972",2019,May "Koichi Ikeda,Hiroyuki Nabae,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori","Measurement of Lift Force in Small Flying Robot using Electrostatic Self-excited Vibration","第31 回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム","第31 回「電磁力関連のダイナミクス」シンポジウム講演論文集",,,,,2019,May "Tomoki Abe,Shoichiro Koizumi,Hiroyuki Nabae,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori,Nao Sato,Michiko Adachi,Fumi Takamizawa","Fabrication of ‘18 Weave’ Muscles and their Application to Soft Power Support Suit for Upper Limbs Using Thin McKibben Muscle","2019 2nd IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft2019)","IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RAL)",,,,,2019,Apr. "Koichi Suzumori","ソフトロボット学がめざすもの(<特集>ソフトロボット学),",,"日本機械学会誌",,"Vol. 122","No. 1205","pp. 4-6",2019,Apr. "Hiroyuki Nabae,Koichi Suzumori,安積欣志,堀内哲也","イオン交換膜が実現するソフトモーション(<特集>ソフトロボット学)",,"日本機械学会誌",,"Vol. 122","No. 1205","pp. 23-24",2019,Apr. "Tomoki Abe,Shoichiro Koizumi,Hiroyuki Nabae,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori,Nao Sato,Michiko Adachi,Fumi Takamizawa","Fabrication of ‘18 Weave’ Muscles and their Application to Soft Power Support Suit for Upper Limbs Using Thin McKibben Muscle",,"IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RAL)",,,,,2019,Apr. "Shunichi Kurumaya,Hiroyuki Nabae,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori","Active Textile Braided in Three Strands with Thin McKibben Muscle",,"Soft Robotics",,"Vol. 6","No. 2","pp. 250-262",2019,Apr. "Koichi Suzumori","Toward the Nature of Information Processing in Soft Machines: Bridging Flexible Electronics and Morphological Computation, “MEXT KAKENHI Project on Soft Robots in Japan”","2019 IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (Robosoft 2019)",,,,,,2019,Apr. "Koichi Suzumori","Soft Robots Design, Development, and Manufacture - Insights from Industrial Applications","2019 IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (Robosoft 2019)",,,,,,2019,Apr. "Tatsuhiro Hiramitsu,Koichi Suzumori,Hiroyuki Nabae,Gen Endo","Experimental Evaluation of Textile Mechanisms Made of Artificial Muscles","2019 2nd IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft2019)","the Proceedings of 2019 2nd IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft2019)",,,,,2019,Apr. "Hikaru Yamamoto,Takafufmi Kanda,Shuichi Wakimoto,Kou Hashimoto,Haruto Takami,Norihisa Senoo,Koichi Suzumori,Takahiro Ukida,Hiroyuki Nabae","Evaluation of a small three-way valve driven by a single piezoelectric vibrator for hydraulic actuator system","the 8th International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology (ICMDT 2019)",,,,,,2019,Apr. "Koichi Suzumori","ソフトロボット学がめざすもの","第1回ソフトロボット創世シンポジウム",,,,,,2019,Mar. "Shunichi Kurumaya,Koichi Suzumori","Thin McKibben Muscle and Robotic Application",,"月刊ファインケミカル","シーエムシー出版","Vol. 48","No. 2","pp. 5-13",2019,Feb. "Koichi Suzumori","???? ??? ???? ??? ????",,"計測自動制御学会誌",,,,,2019,Feb. "Morizo Hemmi,Ryusuke Morita,Yoshiharu Hirota,Kiyoshi Inoue,Hiroyuki Nabae,Gen Endo,Koichi Suzumori","Development of Hydraulic Tough Motors with High Power Density and their Application to a 7-axis Robotic Arm","2019 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII2019)","Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration",,,,"pp. 264-269",2019,Jan. "Koichi Suzumori","ソフトロボット学が目指すもの","第31回自立分散システム・シンポジウム",,,,,,2019,Jan. "Koichi Suzumori","アクチュエータ技術から見たソフトロボティクス",,"日本ロボット学会誌",,"Vol. 37","No. 1","pp. 26-29",2019,Jan. "Koichi Suzumori","新学術領域「ソフトロボット学」",,"日本ロボット学会誌",,"Vol. 37","No. 1","pp. 53-56",2019,Jan. "Koichi Suzumori,Hiroyuki Nabae,Ryo Sakurai,Takefumi Kanda,Sang-Ho Hyon,Tohru Ide,Kiyohiro Hioki,Kazu Ito,Kiyoshi Inoue,Yoshiharu Hirota,Akina Yamamoto,Takahiro Ukida,Ryusuke Morita,Morizo Hemmi,Shingo Ohno,Norihisa Seno,Hayato Osaki,Shoki Ofuji,Harutsugu Mizui,Yuki Taniai,Sumihito Tanimoto,Shota Asao,Ahmad Athif Mohd Faudzi,Yohta Yamamoto,Satoshi Tadokoro","New Hydraulic Components for Tough Robots",,"Disaster Robotics","Springer",,,"pp. 401-451",2019,Jan. "Gen Endo,Youki Wakabayashi,Hiroyuki Nabae,Koichi Suzumori","Bundled Wire Drive: Proposal and Feasibility Study of a Novel Tendon-Driven Mechanism Using Synthetic Fiber Ropes",,"IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RAL)","IEEE","Vol. 4"," Issue 2","pp. 966-972",2019,Jan. "Akio Kodaira,Kinji Asaka,Tetsuya Horiuchi,Gen Endo,Hiroyuki Nabae,Koichi Suzumori","IPMC Monolithic Thin Film Robots Fabricated Through a Multi-Layer Casting Process",,"IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RAL)",,"Vol. 4","No. 2","pp. 1335-1342",2019,Jan. "Hiroshi Yoshinada,Koichi Suzumori,Toru Ide,Akina Yamamoto,Kiyohiro Hioki,Satoshi tadokoro","Dual-Arm Construction Robot with Remote-Control Function",,"Disaster Robotics Results from the ImPACT Tough Robotics Challenge","Springer",,,"pp. 195-264",2019,Jan.