"Minoru Nakayama,Kouichi Mutsuura,Hiroh Yamamoto","Student's Characteristics for Note Taking Activity in a Fully Online Course","10th European Conference on E-Learning","Proceedings of 10th European Conference on E-Learning",,,," 550-557",2011,Nov. "Minoru NAKAYAMA,Kouichi Mutsuura,Hiroh YAMAMOTO","Relationship between Factors of Note-taking Activity and Student Notes Assessment in Fully Online Learning Environment",,"IEICE Technical Report",," ET2011-49",," 13-18",2011,Oct. "Minoru NAKAYAMA,Kouichi Mutsuura,Hiroh Yamamoto","Students' Note-taking activities in a fully online learning course",,"The Proceedings of 27th annual conferece of Japan Society of Educational Technology",,,," 909-910",2011,Sept. "Minoru Nakayama,Kouichi Mutsuura,Hiroh Yamamoto","Evaluation of Student's Notes in a Blended Learning Course",,"International Journal of New Computer Architectures and their Applications (INJCAA)",,"Vol. 1","No. 4"," 1080-1089",2011,Aug. "Minoru Nakayama,Kouichi Mutsuura,Hiroh Yamamoto","A Feasibility Study of Learning Assessment Using Student's Notes in An On-Line Learning Environment","international conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications (DICTAP 2011)","Proceedings of the international conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications (DICTAP 2011)",,,," 483-493",2011,June "Minoru NAKAYAMA,Kouichi Mutsuura,Hiroh Yamamoto","A content anaysis of learner's notes taken in blended learning environment",,"IEICE Technical Report",," ET2011-5",," 25-30",2011,May "Minoru NAKAYAMA,Kouichi Mutsuura,Hiroh Yamamoto","Impact of Note-Taking activity for a performance in online learning",,"IEICE Technical Report",," ET2010-88",," 45-50",2011,Jan.