"Minoru Nakayama,Kouichi Mutsuura,Hiroh Yamamoto","Note-Taking Skills and Student's Characteristics in Online Courses","the 11th European Conference on e-Learning","Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on e-Learning",,,,"pp. 388-396",2012,Oct. "Minoru Nakayama,Kouichi Mutsuura,Hiroh Yamamoto","Visualization Analysis of Student's Notes Taken in a Fully Online Learning Environment","16th International Conference on Information Visualisation","Proceedings of 2012 16th International Conference on Information Visualisation",,,,"pp. 434-439",2012,July "Minoru Nakayama,Kouichi Mutsuura,Hiroh Yamamoto","Causal Analysis of Student's Characteristics of Note-taking Activities and Learning Performance during a Fully Online Course","IEETeL 2012 : 3th International Workshop on Interactive Environments and Emerging Technologies for eLearning","Proceedings of 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications",,,,"pp. 1924-1929",2012,June "Minoru NAKAYAMA,Kouichi Mutsuura,Hiroh YAMAMOTO","Content analysis of learner's notes taken during fully online learning",,"IEICE Technical Report",," ET2012-8",,"pp. 39-44",2012,May "Minoru NAKAYAMA,Kouichi Mutsuura,Hiroh Yamamoto","Effectiveness of learner's characteristics for note-taking activity during fully online learning",,"IEICE Technical Report",," ET2011-140",,"pp. 231-236",2012,Mar. "MINORU NAKAYAMA,Kouichi Mutsuura,Hiroh Yamamoto","Assessment of Note-taking in Learning Environments with Information Communication Technology",,"Japan Jounal of Educational Technology",,"Vol. 35"," Suppl.","pp. 77-80",2012,Jan.