"Minoru Nakayama,Kouichi Mutsuura,Hiroh Yamamoto","Note-Taking Activities and Student's Reflections Upon Their Learning Efficacy During a Blended Learning Course",,"Proc. of European Conference on e-Learning(ECEL2015)",,,,"pp. 435-440",2015,Oct. "Minoru NAKAYAMA,Kouichi Mutsuura,Hiroh Yamamoto","Relationship between student’s reflection and the note-taking activities in a blended learning",,"IEICE Technical Report",," ET2015-24",,,2015,July "Minoru Nakayama,Kouichi Mutsuura,Hiroh Yamamoto","Analysis of Student’s Reflections upon the efficacy of their note-taking activities in a blended learning course","ITHET2015/IEETel2015","Proc. of Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET), 2015 International Conference on",," 10.1109/ITHET.2015.7218030",,,2015,June "Minoru Nakayama,Kouichi Mutsuura,Hiroh Yamamoto","The prediction of learning performance using features of note taking activities",,"Proc. of the 23rd European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN) 2015",,,,"pp. 325-330",2015,Apr. "Minoru NAKAYAMA,Kouichi Mutsuura,Hiroh Yamamoto","An evaluation method for note-taking activity using term co-occurence",,"Japan Jounal of Educational Technology",,"Vol. 38","No. Suppl.","pp. 97-100",2015,Mar. "Minoru NAKAYAMA,Kouichi Mutsuura,Hiroh Yamamoto","Relationship among indices of student’s reflection in a blended learning",,"IEICE Technical Report",," ET2015-6",,"pp. 27-32",2015, "Minoru NAKAYAMA,Kouichi Mutsuura,Hiroh Yamamoto","An estimation of test scores using features of note-taking during a blended learning","電子情報通信学会","IEICE Technical Report",," ET2014-75",,"pp. 17-22",2015,