"Minoru Nakayama,Kouichi Mutsuura,Hiroh Yamamoto","Transactions of categories for note taking activities and their contribution to learning performance","ECEL2018","Proc. of European Conference on e-Learning 2018",," poster",,,2018,Nov. "Minoru Nakayama,Kouichi Mutsuura,Hiroh Yamamoto","Using note taking instructions to reform studentfs note taking activities and improve learning performance in a blended learning course","IV2018","Proceedings of 2018 22nd Interanational Conference Information Visualisation",,,,"pp. 326-331",2018,July "Minoru NAKAYAMA,Kouichi Mutsuura,Hiroh Yamamoto","Contribution of studentfs reflection on the prediction of learning performance during a blended learning course","IEICE-MEB-ET","IEICE Technical Report",," ET2018-1",,"pp. 1-6",2018,May "Minoru Nakayama,Kouichi Mutsuura,Hiroh Yamamoto","Contributions of Studentfs Assessment of Reflections on the Prediction of Learning Performance","IEETeL2018","Proceedings of 2018 17th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET)",," Workshop on IEETeL",,,2018,Apr. "Minoru Nakayama,Kouichi Mutsuura,Hiroh Yamamoto","Chapter 53: Effectiveness of Student's Note-Taking Activities and Characteristics of Their Learning Performance in Two Types of Online Learning",,"In Management Association, I. (Ed.), Online Course Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications","IGI Global",,,"pp. 1049-1068",2018,Mar.