"Keijun Kakihara,Kengo Asamizu,Akinori Endo,Kei Moritsugu,Akira Kato,Masayuki Komada,Toshiaki Fukushima","The enzyme activity of USP8 is regulated by the intramolecular interaction of the USP domain and the WW domain","新学術領域「ケモユビキチン」第3回班会議",,,,,,2019,Dec. "Satomi Naito,Akinori Endo,Kimitoshi Denda,Akira Kato,Masayuki Komada,Toshiaki Fukushima","Nik-related kinase is regulated by quality control ubiquitin ligase CHIP","新学術領域「ケモユビキチン」第3回班会議",,,,,,2019,Dec. "Toshiaki Fukushima","The mechanism of action of wild-type and Cushing's disease-associated mutant USP8","新学術領域「ケモユビキチン」第3回班会議",,,,,,2019,Dec. "Toshiaki Fukushima,Yuka Madoka,Akinori Endo,Kohei Kawaguchi,Saki Arakaki,Masayuki Komada","Constitutive formation of USP8-STAM1 complex plays an important role in the onset of Cushing’s disease","The 2019 joint meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) and European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)",,,,,,2019,Dec. "Keijun Kakihara,Kengo Asamizu,Akinori Endo,Masayuki Komada,Toshiaki Fukushima","A novel autoinhibitory mechanism of ubiquitin-specific protease 8 activity via the intramolecular interaction","The 2019 joint meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) and European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)",,,,,,2019,Dec. "Satomi Naito,Akinori Endo,Kimitoshi Denda,Yuka Madoka,Akira Kato,Masayuki Komada,Toshiaki Fukushima","Nrk prevents hyperplasia by modulating CK2-PTEN-Akt signaling pathway","The 2019 joint meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) and European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)",,,,,,2019,Dec. "Arakaki Saki,Toshiaki Fukushima","14-3-3 protein regulates USP8-STAM1 complex formation and the subcellular localization","新学術領域「ケモユビキチン」第3回班会議",,,,,,2019,Dec. "Keijun Kakihara,Kengo Asamizu,Akinori Endo,Masayuki Komada,Toshiaki Fukushima","A novel autoinhibitory mechanism of ubiquitin-specific protease 8 activity via the intramolecular interaction","The 92nd Annual Meeting of the Japanease Biochemical Society",,,,,,2019,Sept. "Toshiaki Fukushima","USP8-STAM1 deubiquitinating enzyme complex is a novel drug target for Cushing's disease","Targeted Protein Degradation Forum in Japan",,,,,,2019,Aug. "Keijun Kakihara,Kengo Asamizu,Akinori Endo,Masayuki Komada,Toshiaki Fukushima","脱ユヒ?キチン化酵素 USP8 の自己活性抑制機構","2019年度日本生化学会関東支部例会",,,,,,2019,June "Toshiaki Fukushima","The mechanism of action of deubiquitinating enzyme USP8 revealed by chemo-technologies","新学術領域「ケモユビキチン」第2回班会議",,,,,,2019,June "WH. Chan,M. Komada,T. Fukushima,EM. Southard-Smith,CR. Anderson. MJ. Wakefield","RNA-seq of Isolated Chromaffin Cells Highlights the Role of Sex-Linked and Imprinted Genes in Adrenal Medulla Development",,"Scientific Reports",,"Vol. 9","No. 1","Page 3929",2019,Mar. "Ryohei Sakai,Ryosuke Fukuda,Shin Unida,Misaki Aki,Yuji Ono,Akinori Endo,Satoshi Kusumi,Daisuke Koga,Toshiaki Fukushima,Masayuki Komada,Tsukasa Okiyoneda","The integral function of the endocytic recycling compartment is regulated by RFFL-mediated ubiquitylation of Rab11 effectors",,"Journal of cell science",,"Vol. 132","No. 3","pp. 228007",2019,Feb. "Ryohei Sakai,Ryosuke Fukuda,Shin Unida,Misaki Aki,Yuji Ono,Akinori Endo,Satoshi Kusumi,Daisuke Koga,Toshiaki Fukushima,Masayuki Komada,Tsukasa Okiyoneda","The integral function of the endocytic recycling compartment is regulated by RFFL-mediated ubiquitylation of Rab11 effectors",,"Journal of cell science",,"Vol. 132","No. 3","pp. 228007",2019,Feb. "Toshiaki Fukushima","USP8遺伝子変異によるクッシング病発症機構解明の新展開","第2回ユビキチン研究会",,,,,,2019,Jan. "Keijun Kakihara,Kengo Asamizu,Akinori Endo,Masayuki Komada,Toshiaki Fukushima","脱ユビキチン化酵素USP8の自己活性抑制機構","第2回ユビキチン研究会",,,,,,2019,Jan. "R. Sakai,R. Fukuda,S. Unida,M. Aki,Y. Ono,A. Endo,S. Kusumi,D. Koga,T. Fukushima,M. Komada,T. Okiyoneda","The integral function of endocytic recycling compartment is regulated by RFFL-mediated ubiquitination of Rab11 effectors",,"J Cell Sci",,,,,2019,Jan.