"辻本 泰貴,山本 直希,Toshiaki Fukushima,Masayuki Komada,大町 侑香,本村 悠馬,大井 佑夏,佐々木 百合子,鈴木正暉,浦井 伸,坂東 弘教,山本 雅昭,井口 元三,西岡 宏,山田 正三,小川 渉,福岡 秀規","ACTH産生下垂体腫瘍におけるWW-like領域を含めたUSP8体細胞変異の解析","第97回日本内分泌学会総会",,,,,,2024,June "Lestari B,Fukushima T,Utomo RY,Wahyuningsih MSH","Apoptotic and non-apoptotic roles of caspases in placenta physiology and pathology.",,"Placenta",,"Vol. 151",,"Page 37-47",2024,June "Toshiaki Fukushima","Deubiquitinating enzyme USP8 controls proliferative signals and cell division, and its constitutive activation causes neoplastic diseases","International Symposium on “Signals for Human, Animal and Planetary Health: From Metabolites To Biological Interactions”",,,,,,2024,Mar. "Akinori Endo,Toshiaki Fukushima,高橋ちかげ,土屋光,大竹史明,Sayaka Ono,Ly Tony,吉田雪子,田中啓二,佐伯泰,Masayuki Komada","USP8 prevents aberrant NF-kappaB and Nrf2 activation by counteracting ubiquitin signals from endosomes.",,"Journal of Cell Biology",,"Vol. 223","No. 3","Page e202306013",2024,Mar.