"Tung Xuan Nguyen,Jiro Hirokawa,Makoto Ando,Manuel Sierra-Casta?er","Design of a 60GHz RLSA for Compact Range Applications",,"International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation",,,,"pp. 219-220",2014,Dec. "Makoto Sano,Manuel Sierra,JIRO HIROKAWA,Makoto Ando","Accurate field reconstruction of radial line slot antennas using the Gerchberg-Papoulis iterative algorithm Gerchberg-Papoulis",,"MwZ",,,,,2014,Sept. "Makoto Sano,Tamara Salmeron,Manuel Sierra-Casta?er,Jiro Hirokawa,Makoto Ando","DIAGNOSIS TECHNIQUES FOR PLANAR ANTENNAS USING ITERATIVE ALGORITHMS: APPLICATION TO RADIAL LINE SLOT ANTENNAS",,"URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium",,,,,2014,Aug. "T. Nguyen,R. Jayawardene,K. Sakurai,J. Hirokawa,M. Ando,Manuel Sierra-Casta?er,O. Amano,S. Koreeda,T. Matsuzaki,Y. Kamata","Propagation Characteristics of Honeycomb Structures Used in mm-Wave Radial Line Slot Antennas",,"IEICE Transactions on Communications",,"Vol. E97B","No. 6","pp. 1139-1147",2014,June "T. X. Nguyen,M. Ando,J. Hirokawa,M. Sierra-Casta?er","Gain Optimization in RLSAs with Lossy Substrates by the Slot Coupling Control","Euro. Conf. Antennas Propagat.",,,,,"pp. 1452-1456",2014,Apr. "Makoto Sano,Manuel Sierra-Casta?er,Tamara Salmer?n-Ruiz,Jiro Hirokawa,Makoto Ando","Source Reconstruction Technique for Slot Array Antennas using the Gerchberg-Papoulis Algorithm",,"European Conference on Antennas and Propagation",,,,"pp. 2664-2668",2014,Apr.