"Masaaki OGURO,Masatoshi TOKITA","Effect of microlamellar transformations on stress response for block copolymer lamellae under tensile deformation along the normal direction","Fall research meeting of the society of fiber science and technology, Japan in 2021","Proceedings of fall research meeting of the society of fiber science and technology, Japan in 2021",,,,"p. 2E11",2021,Nov. "Masaaki Oguro,Seiichiro Yagi,Masatoshi Tokita","Uniaxial deformation of single-crystal-like lamellar microdomain formed by liquid crystalline block copolymers: effects of the molecular weight and amorphous segment on the stress and structural changes","Annual meeting of the society of fiber science and technology. Japan in 2021",,,,,,2021,June "Masaaki Oguro,Seiichiro Yagi,Masatoshi Tokita","Uniaxial deformation of single-crystal-like lamellar microdomain formed by liquid crystalline block copolymers: effects of the molecular weight and amorphous segment on the stress and structural changes","70th Annual Meeting of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan",,,,,,2021,May