"Khoa Van Le,Fumito Araoka,Surajit Dhara,B. K. Sadashiva,Ken Ishikawa,Hideo Takezoe","Determination of Bend Flexoelectric Coefficient of Bent-Core Nematic Liquid Crystals","The 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference",,,,,,2008,June "S. Dhara,F. Araoka,M. Lee,K. V. Le,L. Guo,B. K. Sadashiva,K. Song,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Kerr constant and third-order nonlinear optic susceptibility measurements in a liquid crystal composed of bent-shaped molecules",,"Phys. Rev. E",,"Vol. 78",,"pp. 050701(R) 1-4.",2008,June