"Kazuhiko Narita,Toru Takeuchi,Ryota Matsui","Seismic Performance of School Gymnasia with Steel Roofs Supported by Cantilevered RC Walls Frames","The 5th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering","Proceedings of The 5th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering",,,,,2014,Oct. "Yuki Terazawa,Toru Takeuchi,Kazuhiko Narita,Ryota Matsui","Response Control of Cantilevered RC Walls in Gymnasia with Energy-Dissipation Bearings","The 5th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering","Proceedings of The 5th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering",,,,,2014,Oct. "Yuki Terazawa,Kazuhiko Narita,Toru Takeuchi,Ryota Matsui","Response Control of Cantilevered RC Walls in Gymnasium with Energy-dissipation Bearings","2014年度 日本建築学会大会(近畿)","日本建築学会学術講演梗概集 B-1分冊 構造?","日本建築学会",,,"pp. 875-876",2014,Sept.