"Masanari Nakagome,Hisanori Hayashibara,Yota Takamura,Shigeki Nakagawa","Investigation of abrupt change of internal stress at the initial stage of FeCo thin film growth","The 39th Annual Conference on MAGNETICS in Japan","第39回 日本磁気学会学術講演概要集",,,,"p. 206",2015,Aug. "H. Hayashibara,M. Nakagome,Y. Takamura,S. Nakagawa","In-situ internal stress observation of ferromagnetic thin films at the initial stage of the film growth during sputter-deposition process","IEEE International Magnetics Conference (Intermag)","2015 IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG)","IEEE"," HC-11",,,2015,May