"Midori Yano,Sakae Toyoda,Takeshi Tokida,Kentaro Hayashi,Toshihiro Hasegawa,Hirohumi Nakamura,Akiko Makabe,Keisuke Koba,Naohiro Yoshida","Large contributions of nitrification and fungal denitrification in N2O productions in drained paddy fields exposed to CO2 of current and future atmospheric concentrations","ICoN3",,,,,,2013,Sept. "Midori Yano","Isotopomer analysis of production, consumption and soil-to-atmosphere emission processes of N2O in Japanese upland and paddy fields",,,,,,,2013,Sept. "Midori Yano","Isotopomer analysis of production, consumption and soil-to-atmosphere emission processes of N2O in Japanese upland and paddy fields",,,,,,,2013,Sept. "Midori Yano","Isotopomer analysis of production, consumption and soil-to-atmosphere emission processes of N2O in Japanese upland and paddy fields",,,,,,,2013,Sept. "Midori Yano","Isotopomer analysis of production, consumption and soil-to-atmosphere emission processes of N2O in Japanese upland and paddy fields",,,,,,,2013,Sept. "Midori Yano,Sakae Toyoda,T. Tokida,K. Hayashi,T. Hasegara,A. Makabe,Keisuke Koba","Isotopomer analysis of production, consumption and soil-to-atmosphere emission processes of N2O at the beginning of paddy field irrigation",,"Soil Biology & Biochemistry",,,,,2013,