"Fujita, R.,Hernandez, D.,Oh, S.-J.,Oya, H.","Isomorphisms among quantum Grothendieck rings and propagation of positivity",,"Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik",,"Vol. 2022","No. 785","pp. 117-185",2022,Apr. "Inoue, R.,Ishibashi, T.,Oya, H.","Cluster realizations of Weyl groups and higher Teichm?ller theory",,"Selecta Mathematica, New Series",,"Vol. 27","No. 3",,2021,July "Kimura, Y.,Oya, H.","Twist automorphisms on quantum unipotent cells and dual canonical bases",,"International Mathematics Research Notices",,"Vol. 2021","No. 9","pp. 6772-6847",2021,May "Hernandez, D.,Oya, H.","Quantum Grothendieck ring isomorphisms, cluster algebras and Kazhdan-Lusztig algorithm",,"Advances in Mathematics",,"Vol. 347",,"pp. 192-272",2019,Apr. "Oya, H.","The Chamber Ansatz for quantum unipotent cells",,"Transformation Groups",,"Vol. 24","No. 1","pp. 193-217",2019,Mar. "Kimura, Y.,Oya, H.","Quantum Twist Maps and Dual Canonical Bases",,"Algebras and Representation Theory",,"Vol. 21","No. 3","pp. 589-604",2018,June "Oya, H.","Representations of quantized coordinate algebras via PBW-type elements",,"Osaka Journal of Mathematics",,"Vol. 55","No. 1","pp. 71-115",2018,Jan. "Fujita, N.,Oya, H.","A comparison of Newton-Okounkov polytopes of Schubert varieties",,"Journal of the London Mathematical Society",,"Vol. 96","No. 1","pp. 201-227",2017,Aug.